Below are Malaysian banks which are accepted by PayPal. The list include a number of foreign banks with branches in Malaysia. The “MEPS Bank Routing Code” and “Bank Name” are required when you add a bank account in your PayPal account.
Welcome to Fainonline Blog, there are read some information about me, world news, technology or anything that i come across while i reading online that i found interesting to share with others. Cheers! & Enjoy
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Malaysian banks accepted by PayPal
Now Malaysian can have options either to withdrawal money from PayPal Funds to their bank account or Credit/Debit card, what is more good news for you is it is cheaper to withdrawal your fun to bank then to credit or debit card. Anyway below is a brief comparison for Malaysian Paypal users.

Below are Malaysian banks which are accepted by PayPal. The list include a number of foreign banks with branches in Malaysia. The “MEPS Bank Routing Code” and “Bank Name” are required when you add a bank account in your PayPal account.

Below are Malaysian banks which are accepted by PayPal. The list include a number of foreign banks with branches in Malaysia. The “MEPS Bank Routing Code” and “Bank Name” are required when you add a bank account in your PayPal account.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Ghairah dendang kemajuan tapi minda Melayu masih di takuk lama
PERKATAAN Melayu merujuk kepada Kamus Dewan bermaksud nama suatu bangsa dan bahasa terutama di Semenanjung Malaysia. Dilihat dari sudut sejarah, ternyata bangsa Melayu tidak tandus peradabannya.
Bermula dengan kerajaan Sriwijaya yang beragama Hindu, Sambojaya, Langkasuka, Kataha, Syailendra, Kalinga, Mataram, Kediri, Singasari, Majapahit, Darmasyraya, Aditiawarman, Pagaruyung, Majapahit dan Semundra Pasai.
Kerajaan Semundra Pasai adalah kerajaan pertama memeluk Islam daripada agama Hindu. Melayu pertama memeluk Islam bernama Merah Silu raja kepada kerajaan terbabit. Merah Silu kemudiannya menukar nama kepada Sultan Al-Malikul Saleh.
Selepas raja memeluk Islam, maka tiada halangan besar untuk rakyatnya beransur-ansur memeluk Islam. Sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yang tidak pernah menolak adat dan budaya tempatan selagi tidak bercanggah dengan akidah.
Masa berlalu dan generasi berganti, hari ini bangsa Melayu sudah lupa sejarah. Entah kenapa walaupun bangsa Melayu dikatakan sebagai bangsa yang kaya dengan budaya dan adat resam, amalan membaca bukan menjadi tradisi Melayu.
Sering kali didengar perkataan ibu, ayah atau datuk nenek menegur anak cucu 'kata orang tua-tua...'. Siapa orang tua itu tidak dapat dipastikan. Adakah namanya Socrates, Plato atau Aristotle tak siapa yang tahu. Merakamkan idea dalam bentuk tulisan agaknya bukan budaya Melayu.
Mempelajari sastera klasik, kita akan menemukan nama besar penulis tersohor seorang Bendahara Kerajaan Johor Riau bergelar timang-timangannya Tun Seri Lanang. Walaupun wujud banyak lagi hikayat lama, tidak diketahui pengarangnya. Kemudian kita akan berjumpa lama selepas itu yang digelar Bapa Kesusasteraan Melayu Moden, Munsyi Abdullah. Malangnya Munsyi Abdullah bukanlah Melayu tulen. Beliau berketurunan Tamil beragama Islam.
Bagaimanapun, orang Melayu hari ini patut berterima kasih kepada si Tamil ini kerana jika diharapkan kepada Melayu tulen, maka tiada langsung khazanah sastera bangsa kita. Sedih dan sayu rasa hati bila diimbas kembali sejarah bangsa. Patutlah ramai Melayu layu tidak mahu membaca dan mengimbas sejarah, mungkin kerana terlalu meruntun emosi jati diri Melayu tulen.
Terlepas daripada persoalan emosi yang kaku dan bisu, mari kita telusuri keadaan bangsa kita kini. Dibandingkan dengan pembangunan fizikal ternyata modal insan kita jauh ketinggalan. Ruang pemikiran antara generasi jauh berbeza. Institusi keluarga di negara ini kian runtuh hari demi hari. Ibu bapa hilang kawalan ke atas anak kerana jika dikawal, anak akan memberontak. (Inilah fakta lazim ditemui setiap kali menjalankan bengkel interaktif).
Maka paling mudah untuk keluar daripada masalah ini ialah keluarga menggunakan mekanisme bela diri menyalahkan orang lain seperti masyarakat, guru, pemimpin dan sebagainya. Menariknya bila golongan yang disalahkan turut tidak mahu kalah dan bangkit menyalahkan yang lain. Putaran ini sudah sekian lama berlaku dalam negara kita sehingga akhirnya sedar atau tidak seluruh masyarakat sudah menerima budaya menyalahkan ini sebagai sesuatu yang normal sehingga menjadi norma.
Bangsa Melayu menerusi Kerajaan Melayu Melaka mencapai kegemilangannya kerana ramai dagang santeri yang datang berniaga dan kemudian terus bermastautin. Berkahwin dengan wanita tempatan kemudian membentuk generasi berkualiti menerusi asimilasi ini. Sultan Melaka sendiri, Sultan Mansur Shah berkahwin dengan Hang Li Po, puteri Maharaja China.
Kegemilangan Melaka turut disumbang oleh sistem urus tadbir yang baik di bawah kelolaan Bendahara Seri Maharaja, seorang Melayu mempunyai darah keturunan Tamil. Portugis hanya berjaya menawan Melaka selepas Bendahara Seri Maharaja dijatuhkan hukuman bunuh dalam skandal merebut puteri Bendahara, Tun Fatimah.
Sewajarnya dalam keadaan sekarang dengan limpahan warga berbilang kaum, Malaysia sewajarnya lebih maju berbanding negara-negara Harimau Ekonomi yang lain. Ketika Melaka di puncak kegemilangannya, warga Jepun masih leka dengan tradisi jumud mereka mengagungkan budaya Samurai sehingga mereka tewas kepada bangsa Monggul.
Lebih 50 tahun kita masih gagal berasimilasi antara kaum. Perkahwinan campur patut digalakkan. Biarlah kita meriah dengan keluarga yang berbagai warna kulit daripada sekadar meriah dengan paluan kompang dan tepung tawar. Istiadat tepung tawar walaupun terus dipertahankan tetapi gagal menawar geruh dalam rumah tangga. Walaupun sesama bangsa dan sama cara hidup tetapi kadar perceraian di kalangan Melayu masih tinggi. Melayu masih menang sorak kampung tergadai.
Walaupun sibuk berkokok ke sana ke mari mendendangkan kemajuan dicapai, sangat menggerunkan bila didapati minda pemikiran Melayu masih di takuk lama. Melayu sekarang bukan membina kepercayaan, keyakinan terhadap jati diri tetapi terus menerus kekal dalam kepercayaan karut marut yang tiada asas logik dan boleh dijadikan wadah melonjakkan bangsa Melayu ke takah yang lebih tinggi.
Melayu lebih disibukkan saban hari dengan cerita hantu polong walaupun tinggal di tengah kota metropolitan. Tentu ada yang pernah mendengar khabar angin, konon ternampak hantu ketika menaiki LRT Putra melintasi Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur kerana khabarnya terowong berkenaan melalui bawah kawasan kubur.
Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan dibawa ke negara ini bagi mengatasi masalah kesesakan jalan raya yang semakin mendesak seluruh warganya. Sepatutnya warga Kuala Lumpur bersungut mengenai masalah kelewatan LRT atau perlunya menambah laluan ke seluruh Kuala Lumpur dan seterusnya keluar ke seluruh Lembah Klang. Sudahnya, cerita hantu pula yang keluar.
Kalau betul sekalipun ada hantu tak mungkin terowong itu ditutup kerana menelan belanja yang besar, sedangkan ada terowong lebih kecil yang 'hantunya' merogol gadis bawah umur masih terus dikekalkan dengan ingatan dan amaran agar tidak melalui terowong berkenaan berseorangan demi keselamatan.
Demikianlah kita generasi hari ini berfikir tanpa menaakul. Setiap pemikiran yang dicetuskan seharusnya mengikut landasan yang menghala kepada kemajuan. Dasar yang diwartakan kerajaan sepatutnya boleh menjadi landasan melapangkan kotak fikir Melayu. Tetapi kita lebih senang hidup kita dicorakkan orang lain supaya bila berlaku kesilapan, dengan mudahnya kita boleh menuding jari.
Bangsa Melayu mempunyai citra budaya yang cukup indah dan tersusun. Ketika bangsa lain memandang wanita sebagai warga kelas kedua, Melayu mencipta budaya Pepatih yang melebihkan golongan ibu. Maju mundur bangsa kita akan terjamin sekiranya kita sedia kembali berasimilasi dengan kaum lain dalam negara ini.
Melayu adalah bangsa pengembara, pelaut yang handal, meredah samudera melangkaui dunia. Bila Melayu terperuk di hujung kampung seperti dihajatkan penjajah, maka selagi itulah kita tak akan dapat menggapai kembali kegemilangan seperti pernah dicapai oleh Kerajaan Melaka ketika Sultan Mansur Shah memerintah, Bendahara Tun Perak mentadbir dan Laksamana Hang Tuah menjalankan diplomasi antara negara.
Penulis ialah Penolong Pegawai Psikologi, Pusat Perkembangan Kemahiran Kebangsaan Serendah.
Bermula dengan kerajaan Sriwijaya yang beragama Hindu, Sambojaya, Langkasuka, Kataha, Syailendra, Kalinga, Mataram, Kediri, Singasari, Majapahit, Darmasyraya, Aditiawarman, Pagaruyung, Majapahit dan Semundra Pasai.
Kerajaan Semundra Pasai adalah kerajaan pertama memeluk Islam daripada agama Hindu. Melayu pertama memeluk Islam bernama Merah Silu raja kepada kerajaan terbabit. Merah Silu kemudiannya menukar nama kepada Sultan Al-Malikul Saleh.
Selepas raja memeluk Islam, maka tiada halangan besar untuk rakyatnya beransur-ansur memeluk Islam. Sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yang tidak pernah menolak adat dan budaya tempatan selagi tidak bercanggah dengan akidah.
Masa berlalu dan generasi berganti, hari ini bangsa Melayu sudah lupa sejarah. Entah kenapa walaupun bangsa Melayu dikatakan sebagai bangsa yang kaya dengan budaya dan adat resam, amalan membaca bukan menjadi tradisi Melayu.
Sering kali didengar perkataan ibu, ayah atau datuk nenek menegur anak cucu 'kata orang tua-tua...'. Siapa orang tua itu tidak dapat dipastikan. Adakah namanya Socrates, Plato atau Aristotle tak siapa yang tahu. Merakamkan idea dalam bentuk tulisan agaknya bukan budaya Melayu.
Mempelajari sastera klasik, kita akan menemukan nama besar penulis tersohor seorang Bendahara Kerajaan Johor Riau bergelar timang-timangannya Tun Seri Lanang. Walaupun wujud banyak lagi hikayat lama, tidak diketahui pengarangnya. Kemudian kita akan berjumpa lama selepas itu yang digelar Bapa Kesusasteraan Melayu Moden, Munsyi Abdullah. Malangnya Munsyi Abdullah bukanlah Melayu tulen. Beliau berketurunan Tamil beragama Islam.
Bagaimanapun, orang Melayu hari ini patut berterima kasih kepada si Tamil ini kerana jika diharapkan kepada Melayu tulen, maka tiada langsung khazanah sastera bangsa kita. Sedih dan sayu rasa hati bila diimbas kembali sejarah bangsa. Patutlah ramai Melayu layu tidak mahu membaca dan mengimbas sejarah, mungkin kerana terlalu meruntun emosi jati diri Melayu tulen.
Terlepas daripada persoalan emosi yang kaku dan bisu, mari kita telusuri keadaan bangsa kita kini. Dibandingkan dengan pembangunan fizikal ternyata modal insan kita jauh ketinggalan. Ruang pemikiran antara generasi jauh berbeza. Institusi keluarga di negara ini kian runtuh hari demi hari. Ibu bapa hilang kawalan ke atas anak kerana jika dikawal, anak akan memberontak. (Inilah fakta lazim ditemui setiap kali menjalankan bengkel interaktif).
Maka paling mudah untuk keluar daripada masalah ini ialah keluarga menggunakan mekanisme bela diri menyalahkan orang lain seperti masyarakat, guru, pemimpin dan sebagainya. Menariknya bila golongan yang disalahkan turut tidak mahu kalah dan bangkit menyalahkan yang lain. Putaran ini sudah sekian lama berlaku dalam negara kita sehingga akhirnya sedar atau tidak seluruh masyarakat sudah menerima budaya menyalahkan ini sebagai sesuatu yang normal sehingga menjadi norma.
Bangsa Melayu menerusi Kerajaan Melayu Melaka mencapai kegemilangannya kerana ramai dagang santeri yang datang berniaga dan kemudian terus bermastautin. Berkahwin dengan wanita tempatan kemudian membentuk generasi berkualiti menerusi asimilasi ini. Sultan Melaka sendiri, Sultan Mansur Shah berkahwin dengan Hang Li Po, puteri Maharaja China.
Kegemilangan Melaka turut disumbang oleh sistem urus tadbir yang baik di bawah kelolaan Bendahara Seri Maharaja, seorang Melayu mempunyai darah keturunan Tamil. Portugis hanya berjaya menawan Melaka selepas Bendahara Seri Maharaja dijatuhkan hukuman bunuh dalam skandal merebut puteri Bendahara, Tun Fatimah.
Sewajarnya dalam keadaan sekarang dengan limpahan warga berbilang kaum, Malaysia sewajarnya lebih maju berbanding negara-negara Harimau Ekonomi yang lain. Ketika Melaka di puncak kegemilangannya, warga Jepun masih leka dengan tradisi jumud mereka mengagungkan budaya Samurai sehingga mereka tewas kepada bangsa Monggul.
Lebih 50 tahun kita masih gagal berasimilasi antara kaum. Perkahwinan campur patut digalakkan. Biarlah kita meriah dengan keluarga yang berbagai warna kulit daripada sekadar meriah dengan paluan kompang dan tepung tawar. Istiadat tepung tawar walaupun terus dipertahankan tetapi gagal menawar geruh dalam rumah tangga. Walaupun sesama bangsa dan sama cara hidup tetapi kadar perceraian di kalangan Melayu masih tinggi. Melayu masih menang sorak kampung tergadai.
Walaupun sibuk berkokok ke sana ke mari mendendangkan kemajuan dicapai, sangat menggerunkan bila didapati minda pemikiran Melayu masih di takuk lama. Melayu sekarang bukan membina kepercayaan, keyakinan terhadap jati diri tetapi terus menerus kekal dalam kepercayaan karut marut yang tiada asas logik dan boleh dijadikan wadah melonjakkan bangsa Melayu ke takah yang lebih tinggi.
Melayu lebih disibukkan saban hari dengan cerita hantu polong walaupun tinggal di tengah kota metropolitan. Tentu ada yang pernah mendengar khabar angin, konon ternampak hantu ketika menaiki LRT Putra melintasi Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur kerana khabarnya terowong berkenaan melalui bawah kawasan kubur.
Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan dibawa ke negara ini bagi mengatasi masalah kesesakan jalan raya yang semakin mendesak seluruh warganya. Sepatutnya warga Kuala Lumpur bersungut mengenai masalah kelewatan LRT atau perlunya menambah laluan ke seluruh Kuala Lumpur dan seterusnya keluar ke seluruh Lembah Klang. Sudahnya, cerita hantu pula yang keluar.
Kalau betul sekalipun ada hantu tak mungkin terowong itu ditutup kerana menelan belanja yang besar, sedangkan ada terowong lebih kecil yang 'hantunya' merogol gadis bawah umur masih terus dikekalkan dengan ingatan dan amaran agar tidak melalui terowong berkenaan berseorangan demi keselamatan.
Demikianlah kita generasi hari ini berfikir tanpa menaakul. Setiap pemikiran yang dicetuskan seharusnya mengikut landasan yang menghala kepada kemajuan. Dasar yang diwartakan kerajaan sepatutnya boleh menjadi landasan melapangkan kotak fikir Melayu. Tetapi kita lebih senang hidup kita dicorakkan orang lain supaya bila berlaku kesilapan, dengan mudahnya kita boleh menuding jari.
Bangsa Melayu mempunyai citra budaya yang cukup indah dan tersusun. Ketika bangsa lain memandang wanita sebagai warga kelas kedua, Melayu mencipta budaya Pepatih yang melebihkan golongan ibu. Maju mundur bangsa kita akan terjamin sekiranya kita sedia kembali berasimilasi dengan kaum lain dalam negara ini.
Melayu adalah bangsa pengembara, pelaut yang handal, meredah samudera melangkaui dunia. Bila Melayu terperuk di hujung kampung seperti dihajatkan penjajah, maka selagi itulah kita tak akan dapat menggapai kembali kegemilangan seperti pernah dicapai oleh Kerajaan Melaka ketika Sultan Mansur Shah memerintah, Bendahara Tun Perak mentadbir dan Laksamana Hang Tuah menjalankan diplomasi antara negara.
Penulis ialah Penolong Pegawai Psikologi, Pusat Perkembangan Kemahiran Kebangsaan Serendah.
Oleh Ramlan Ramli
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Two retailers suspend smartphone
Mobile phone retailers Carphone Warehouse and Phones 4U have temporarily withdrawn the Sony Ericsson Satio smartphone from their stores.
Phones 4U announced its decision to stop selling the handset 24 hours after rival retailer Carphone Warehouse.
Sony Ericsson said it was "giving this matter its utmost priority and working toward solving it".
None of the companies involved gave details about the nature of the fault but Satio users online have been complaining about frozen screens and problems with ringtones.
"Now on my second Satio and it still has the same issues," wrote Iain H on a handset review site. "Screen freezing and no ringtone. Only way to solve the problem is to take the battery out."
He added: "I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem."
Sony Ericsson recently announced a new smartphone model, the Xperia X10. It is the company's first Android handset but it is not due to go on sale until 2010.
Verity Burns, a technology journalist with gadget magazine Stuff thinks the problem lies with how the Sony Ericsson user interface interacts with the Symbian operating system on the phone.
"The phone seems to be turning itself off when people access certain applications but not everyone will be affected. Vodafone and Orange run their own interfaces and don't seem to have the issue."
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Gurindam Jiwa (1966)
Film Melayu Klasik
Judul filem: Gurindam Jiwa (1966)
Genre: Drama romantik
Arahan: M. Amin
Penerbit: Cathay-Keris Film Production
Pelakon: Nordin Ahmad, Latifah Omar, Malek Selamat
rafeah buang & r i... |
( P)
Tuailah padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
( L )
Intailah kami antara nampak
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan
( P )
Anak cina pasang lukah
Lukah dipasang di Tanjung Jati
Di dalam hati tidak ku lupa
Sebagai rambut bersimpul mati
( Korus )
( L )
Batang selasih permainan budak
Daun selasih dimakan kuda
Bercerai kasih talak tiada
Seribu tahun kembali juga
( P )
Burung merpati terbang seribu
Hinggap seekor di tengah laman
( L )
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan
( L & P )
Kalau tuan mudik ke hulu
Carikan saya bunga kemboja
Kalau tuan mati dahulu
Nantikan saya di pintu syurga
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Demonyms for Malaysians people
What is DEMONYN??
A demonym is a word that denotes the members of a people or the inhabitants of a place. As far as English is concern, a demonym is generated by adding suffixes of -an, -ian, -ite, -ese, -i, -ine, -no, -ino, -ene, -ard, -ic, -ish and -er, just to name a few. More can be found at Wikipedia.
I will try my best, in my greatest observation, to share with you how some people of certain states refer themselves as following
Demonym By States::
Johorean (Johor), Kedahan (Kedah), Kelantanese (Kelantan), Malaccan (Melaka), Penangite (Pulau Pinang), Perakian (Perak), Sabahan (Sabah) dan Sarawakian (Sarawak). Kuala Lumpur (KL-ite atau Kuala Lumpurian) , Pahangnis (Pahang), Selangoris (Selangor) Perlisian (Perlis) , Terengganuan (Terengganu), Negerian (Negeri Sembilan) , Putrajayans (Putrajaya) and Labuanin (Labuan)
Others Demonym
Cyberjayans (Cyberjaya)
Ipohis (Ipoh)
Visi Bahasa Melayu :
Apa itu Demonim?
Demonim adalah sebuah kata yang menunjukkan kepada ahli masyarakat atau penduduk suatu tempat. Yang lebih perlu diambil perhatian adalah, Demonim yang dihasilkan dengan menambah ayat akhiran seperti -an,-ian,-ite,-ese,-i,-ina,-tidak,-Ino,-ena,-ard,-ic,-ish dan -eh, ini hanya untuk beberapa nama sahaj. untuk lebih lanjut anda boleh ditemui di Wikipedia.
Saya akan cuba sebaik mungkin, dalam pemerhatian terbesar saya, untuk berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana beberapa orang dari negari tertentu menyebut atau mengelar diri mereka seperti berikut
Demonim untuk Negeri-Negeri:
Johorean / Johorian (Johor), Kedahan (Kedah), Kelantanese (Kelantan), Malaccan (Melaka), Penangite (Pulau Pinang), Perakian (Perak), Sabahan (Sabah) dan Sarawakian (Sarawak). Kuala Lumpur (KL-ite atau Kuala Lumpurian) , Pahangnis (Pahang), Selangoris (Selangor) Perlisian (Perlis), Terengganuan (Terengganu), Negerian (Negeri Sembilan), Putrajayans (Putrajaya) dan Labuanin (Labuan)
Lain-lain Demonim :
Cyberjayans (Cyberjaya)
Ipohis (Ipoh)
A demonym is a word that denotes the members of a people or the inhabitants of a place. As far as English is concern, a demonym is generated by adding suffixes of -an, -ian, -ite, -ese, -i, -ine, -no, -ino, -ene, -ard, -ic, -ish and -er, just to name a few. More can be found at Wikipedia.
I will try my best, in my greatest observation, to share with you how some people of certain states refer themselves as following
Demonym By States::
Johorean (Johor), Kedahan (Kedah), Kelantanese (Kelantan), Malaccan (Melaka), Penangite (Pulau Pinang), Perakian (Perak), Sabahan (Sabah) dan Sarawakian (Sarawak). Kuala Lumpur (KL-ite atau Kuala Lumpurian) , Pahangnis (Pahang), Selangoris (Selangor) Perlisian (Perlis) , Terengganuan (Terengganu), Negerian (Negeri Sembilan) , Putrajayans (Putrajaya) and Labuanin (Labuan)
Others Demonym
Cyberjayans (Cyberjaya)
Ipohis (Ipoh)
Visi Bahasa Melayu :
Apa itu Demonim?
Demonim adalah sebuah kata yang menunjukkan kepada ahli masyarakat atau penduduk suatu tempat. Yang lebih perlu diambil perhatian adalah, Demonim yang dihasilkan dengan menambah ayat akhiran seperti -an,-ian,-ite,-ese,-i,-ina,-tidak,-Ino,-ena,-ard,-ic,-ish dan -eh, ini hanya untuk beberapa nama sahaj. untuk lebih lanjut anda boleh ditemui di Wikipedia.
Saya akan cuba sebaik mungkin, dalam pemerhatian terbesar saya, untuk berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana beberapa orang dari negari tertentu menyebut atau mengelar diri mereka seperti berikut
Demonim untuk Negeri-Negeri:
Johorean / Johorian (Johor), Kedahan (Kedah), Kelantanese (Kelantan), Malaccan (Melaka), Penangite (Pulau Pinang), Perakian (Perak), Sabahan (Sabah) dan Sarawakian (Sarawak). Kuala Lumpur (KL-ite atau Kuala Lumpurian) , Pahangnis (Pahang), Selangoris (Selangor) Perlisian (Perlis), Terengganuan (Terengganu), Negerian (Negeri Sembilan), Putrajayans (Putrajaya) dan Labuanin (Labuan)
Lain-lain Demonim :
Cyberjayans (Cyberjaya)
Ipohis (Ipoh)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Letter from a GR user in Malaysia (September 24, 2009)
Hi GR,
I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is an Islamic country made up of multi-racial communities - Malay, Chinese, Indian and others. Generally we respect each other and live peacefully despite the differences in our culture, religion and ethnicity, however when it comes to homosexuality, it is a different story. Basically, we live in a closet. Here “coming out” merely means an individual has the courage to meet other gays and to admit to himself that he is gay. It doesn’t really mean we are able to tell our straight friends and family, we are gay. Only a few lucky ones are able to do that.
Kuala Lumpur is the modern capital city of Malaysia, This is where the iconic KLCC (PETRONAS Twin towers) located. We recently celebrated our 52nd National Independence day on 31th August. Being a Malaysian, I should be proud of the achievements that my country has made. But I feel that freedom is not for all Malaysians. The “One Malaysia” concept is not for all. Our country is under the heavy influence of Islamic law and Penal code Section 377A for non-Muslims.
The gay community is often directly or indirectly harassed by the authorities and the media. The media report negative things about homosexuality to boost their sales. This often triggers police actions against gays. In 2006, intensive police raids followed a report in the “Malay Mail”. These raids then featured in a local TV show, strengthening the public’s negative perception of homosexuality as immoral. Up until now only a few journalists have written fairly about respecting sexual orientation as part of this country’s diversity.
Recently, homosexuality was even linked to H1N1 (Mexican/Swine Flu). Yes, you are reading correctly (Gay and H1N1). Luckily after strong objections, the author removed these misleading statements from his blog. Read this.
What does freedom mean to us?? We are citizens of this country. We pay our taxes, being responsible citizens like anyone else. We breathe the same air. We work hard. We proudly say we are from Malaysia. What do we want? We want and deserve to be treated fairly. Stop abusing us. Stop stereotyping us. Stop assuming we are the bad guys. Stop disrupting our lives by using the laws against us. Stop chasing us!!!
There have been constant raids in gay places in recent years. In the Penang region a few years ago, the authorities launched a campaign called “Zero Homosexuality”. They proudly said “Homosexuality is not a lifestyle for our communities. We must do something to eradicate it”. Gosh, as I read that, I was torn down. I am so disappointed, sad and angry that there are such barbarians (uncivilized people) in this modern world. We are not cows that can be erased. We are human, made from flesh. We have feelings. We have the right to live as individuals in this world. If this is a sin, who are they to punish us?? They are not God.
During the raids at saunas and other gay places many gays got handcuffed and locked up. The police seized condoms as evidence that sex parties were held. These actions mean that many operators are now scared to supply condoms, undermining a Safe sex campaign that was lauded by the PT (Pink Triangle) Foundation.
In Kuala Lumpur there were recently more raids in gay clubs. I hear many got caught and sent to police stations and I expect they were subjected to harassment and got police records. However, I am unable to find out what really happened and I shouldn’t speculate. I hope they are fine. The authorities also seized items from the clubs, preventing them from functioning. This kind of harassment recently forced an organizer to cancel all their parties. We were supposed to celebrate Independence Day at a club. But suddenly all parties were cancelled for our safety. I was very disappointed and angry. We also deserve to enjoy ourselves and to celebrate Independence Day in our own way.
It’s not easy for individuals in this country to come out and be brave enough to admit what we are. There are so many challenges, our own feelings, our families, workplace, the public and even within our small gay community. But after this personal struggle, we face the greater challenge of the authorities who abuse us with laws just because we have a different sexual preference.
Politicians often say that homosexuality is a lifestyle, a choice, and that we are influenced by our environment. They refuse to accept that we are born to be gay. There has been a lot of research on homosexuality carried out around the world. Can’t they read? Most of us know while we are still small. I knew I was different when I was small, and at that time there was no TV or anything that could have influenced me to be gay.
I will be 29 soon and I hope I will live to see all these anti-gay raids and harassment come to an end. But to hope for a better future for gays in this country seems like a dream that will never come true. Who can help us? Sadly it’s considered a domestic issue and the world can only watch and write letters to object.
A Malaysian
Source: GR
I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is an Islamic country made up of multi-racial communities - Malay, Chinese, Indian and others. Generally we respect each other and live peacefully despite the differences in our culture, religion and ethnicity, however when it comes to homosexuality, it is a different story. Basically, we live in a closet. Here “coming out” merely means an individual has the courage to meet other gays and to admit to himself that he is gay. It doesn’t really mean we are able to tell our straight friends and family, we are gay. Only a few lucky ones are able to do that.
Kuala Lumpur is the modern capital city of Malaysia, This is where the iconic KLCC (PETRONAS Twin towers) located. We recently celebrated our 52nd National Independence day on 31th August. Being a Malaysian, I should be proud of the achievements that my country has made. But I feel that freedom is not for all Malaysians. The “One Malaysia” concept is not for all. Our country is under the heavy influence of Islamic law and Penal code Section 377A for non-Muslims.
Geographical Position (Source: Wikipedia)
The gay community is often directly or indirectly harassed by the authorities and the media. The media report negative things about homosexuality to boost their sales. This often triggers police actions against gays. In 2006, intensive police raids followed a report in the “Malay Mail”. These raids then featured in a local TV show, strengthening the public’s negative perception of homosexuality as immoral. Up until now only a few journalists have written fairly about respecting sexual orientation as part of this country’s diversity.
Recently, homosexuality was even linked to H1N1 (Mexican/Swine Flu). Yes, you are reading correctly (Gay and H1N1). Luckily after strong objections, the author removed these misleading statements from his blog. Read this.
What does freedom mean to us?? We are citizens of this country. We pay our taxes, being responsible citizens like anyone else. We breathe the same air. We work hard. We proudly say we are from Malaysia. What do we want? We want and deserve to be treated fairly. Stop abusing us. Stop stereotyping us. Stop assuming we are the bad guys. Stop disrupting our lives by using the laws against us. Stop chasing us!!!
There have been constant raids in gay places in recent years. In the Penang region a few years ago, the authorities launched a campaign called “Zero Homosexuality”. They proudly said “Homosexuality is not a lifestyle for our communities. We must do something to eradicate it”. Gosh, as I read that, I was torn down. I am so disappointed, sad and angry that there are such barbarians (uncivilized people) in this modern world. We are not cows that can be erased. We are human, made from flesh. We have feelings. We have the right to live as individuals in this world. If this is a sin, who are they to punish us?? They are not God.
During the raids at saunas and other gay places many gays got handcuffed and locked up. The police seized condoms as evidence that sex parties were held. These actions mean that many operators are now scared to supply condoms, undermining a Safe sex campaign that was lauded by the PT (Pink Triangle) Foundation.
In Kuala Lumpur there were recently more raids in gay clubs. I hear many got caught and sent to police stations and I expect they were subjected to harassment and got police records. However, I am unable to find out what really happened and I shouldn’t speculate. I hope they are fine. The authorities also seized items from the clubs, preventing them from functioning. This kind of harassment recently forced an organizer to cancel all their parties. We were supposed to celebrate Independence Day at a club. But suddenly all parties were cancelled for our safety. I was very disappointed and angry. We also deserve to enjoy ourselves and to celebrate Independence Day in our own way.
It’s not easy for individuals in this country to come out and be brave enough to admit what we are. There are so many challenges, our own feelings, our families, workplace, the public and even within our small gay community. But after this personal struggle, we face the greater challenge of the authorities who abuse us with laws just because we have a different sexual preference.
Politicians often say that homosexuality is a lifestyle, a choice, and that we are influenced by our environment. They refuse to accept that we are born to be gay. There has been a lot of research on homosexuality carried out around the world. Can’t they read? Most of us know while we are still small. I knew I was different when I was small, and at that time there was no TV or anything that could have influenced me to be gay.
I will be 29 soon and I hope I will live to see all these anti-gay raids and harassment come to an end. But to hope for a better future for gays in this country seems like a dream that will never come true. Who can help us? Sadly it’s considered a domestic issue and the world can only watch and write letters to object.
A Malaysian
Source: GR
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Penyanyi popular M'sia ditangkap curi telefon di Singapura!
SEORANG penyanyi rok popular Malaysia dalam lingkungan usia awal 30-an tahun telah ditahan pihak polis di sini semalam setelah dikatakan mencuri telefon bimbit milik seorang artis Singapura.
Telefon bimbit terpakai yang lesap itu - yang berjenama Samsung dan dibeli pada harga $280 - dipercayai dilarikan penyanyi itu dari rumah artis Singapura berkenaan pada pagi Jumaat lalu.
Polis mengesahkan pihaknya menerima panggilan sekitar 12.15 tengah hari semalam mengenai kes curi yang melibatkan penyanyi itu di Lorong 24 Geylang.
Menurut pelakon bebas Singapura yang berusia 26 tahun itu, penyanyi rok itu tiba di Singapura dan menginap di rumahnya sejak 3 November lalu.
Pada sekitar 8 pagi 14 November lalu beliau mendapati penyanyi Malaysia itu telah menghilangkan diri dan telefon bimbitnya itu turut hilang.
Usaha artis Singapura itu menghubungi telefon bimbitnya serta penyanyi itu tidak membuahkan hasil.
'Saya mula mengesyaki dia yang mencuri setelah teman wanitanya yang tidak pernah saya kenali mengirimkan SMS kepada rakan saya untuk memberitahu nombor telefon barunya.
'Namun, nombor itu sebenarnya nombor telefon bimbit milik saya,' ujarnya.
Artis Singapura itu pula mendapat tahu penyanyi itu akan ke Sims Lane untuk mengambil barangnya dan terserempak dengannya pada sekitar 11 pagi.
Beliau mengekori penyanyi itu hingga ke Lorong 24 Geylang, dan dengan bantuan rakannya, memaksanya masuk ke dalam kereta rakannya itu. Mereka menghubungi polis.
'Di dalam kereta, dia merayu kepada saya supaya melepaskannya. Katanya dia perlukan wang kerana bekas isteri dan anaknya sakit,' kata pelakon Singapura itu lagi.
Menurutnya, penyanyi itu dikatakan merancang mengeluarkan album di bawah kontrak dengan syarikat rakaman setempat tetapi menghadapi masalah untuk menerbitkannya.
Penyanyi Malaysia itu kini ditahan di Balai Polis Bedok.
SEORANG penyanyi rok popular Malaysia dalam lingkungan usia awal 30-an tahun telah ditahan pihak polis di sini semalam setelah dikatakan mencuri telefon bimbit milik seorang artis Singapura.
Telefon bimbit terpakai yang lesap itu - yang berjenama Samsung dan dibeli pada harga $280 - dipercayai dilarikan penyanyi itu dari rumah artis Singapura berkenaan pada pagi Jumaat lalu.
Polis mengesahkan pihaknya menerima panggilan sekitar 12.15 tengah hari semalam mengenai kes curi yang melibatkan penyanyi itu di Lorong 24 Geylang.
Menurut pelakon bebas Singapura yang berusia 26 tahun itu, penyanyi rok itu tiba di Singapura dan menginap di rumahnya sejak 3 November lalu.
Pada sekitar 8 pagi 14 November lalu beliau mendapati penyanyi Malaysia itu telah menghilangkan diri dan telefon bimbitnya itu turut hilang.
Usaha artis Singapura itu menghubungi telefon bimbitnya serta penyanyi itu tidak membuahkan hasil.
'Saya mula mengesyaki dia yang mencuri setelah teman wanitanya yang tidak pernah saya kenali mengirimkan SMS kepada rakan saya untuk memberitahu nombor telefon barunya.
'Namun, nombor itu sebenarnya nombor telefon bimbit milik saya,' ujarnya.
Artis Singapura itu pula mendapat tahu penyanyi itu akan ke Sims Lane untuk mengambil barangnya dan terserempak dengannya pada sekitar 11 pagi.
Beliau mengekori penyanyi itu hingga ke Lorong 24 Geylang, dan dengan bantuan rakannya, memaksanya masuk ke dalam kereta rakannya itu. Mereka menghubungi polis.
'Di dalam kereta, dia merayu kepada saya supaya melepaskannya. Katanya dia perlukan wang kerana bekas isteri dan anaknya sakit,' kata pelakon Singapura itu lagi.
Menurutnya, penyanyi itu dikatakan merancang mengeluarkan album di bawah kontrak dengan syarikat rakaman setempat tetapi menghadapi masalah untuk menerbitkannya.
Penyanyi Malaysia itu kini ditahan di Balai Polis Bedok.
Monday, November 16, 2009
FTTH By Telekom Malaysia
FTTH: Fiberoptic To The Home. It’s here. We’re just waiting for blast-off. This junction box in Bangsar Kuala Lumpur is just waiting for activation. It was released as a trial in Sri Hartamas Kuala Lumpur way back at the end of 2007. But with the recession setting in, everything slowed to a snail’s crawl. Well, snail’s pace taken into consideration, it seems that things have picked up again.
FTTH translates to Max Speed of 100Mbps. And yes, we know that maximum speeds are always a myth, especially with the involvement of a telco with a poor track record.
Realistically, we can actually hope for 50Mbps. The pioneer areas with FTTH in Malaysia, as shared by the tech guy at Telekom Malaysia, would be Sri Hartamas, FTTH is relatively new and Malaysia would probably be one of the early birds jumping on the bandwagon. With everyone’s interest more centered mistakenly on wireless Internet, it’s good to know that some fellows have been thinking out of the box to move toward stable and fast wired connections.
Malaysia does have some other fiber-optic ISPs, but with the backing of a larger telco like Telekom Malaysia, its FTTH will rule. Other fiber-optic ISPs so far in Malaysia are: Cyberjaya Metro Fibre Network, CMFN; Metrofon; Penangfon; and Time Fusion. These cover smaller areas and, relatively, may not have the infrastructure to grow as fast as FTTH from Telekom Malaysia.
Do note that all FTTH area have been installed a throttling devices means TM.Net really enforced the fair usage policy for Streamyx and FTTH because this FTTH will be the bandwith hunger, so far no ideas how much will charged for it monthly. Means this area will be capped for excessive usage of bandwith usage. That’s why TM.Net rewrite their fair usage policy.
FTTH translates to Max Speed of 100Mbps. And yes, we know that maximum speeds are always a myth, especially with the involvement of a telco with a poor track record.
Realistically, we can actually hope for 50Mbps. The pioneer areas with FTTH in Malaysia, as shared by the tech guy at Telekom Malaysia, would be Sri Hartamas, FTTH is relatively new and Malaysia would probably be one of the early birds jumping on the bandwagon. With everyone’s interest more centered mistakenly on wireless Internet, it’s good to know that some fellows have been thinking out of the box to move toward stable and fast wired connections.
Malaysia does have some other fiber-optic ISPs, but with the backing of a larger telco like Telekom Malaysia, its FTTH will rule. Other fiber-optic ISPs so far in Malaysia are: Cyberjaya Metro Fibre Network, CMFN; Metrofon; Penangfon; and Time Fusion. These cover smaller areas and, relatively, may not have the infrastructure to grow as fast as FTTH from Telekom Malaysia.
Do note that all FTTH area have been installed a throttling devices means TM.Net really enforced the fair usage policy for Streamyx and FTTH because this FTTH will be the bandwith hunger, so far no ideas how much will charged for it monthly. Means this area will be capped for excessive usage of bandwith usage. That’s why TM.Net rewrite their fair usage policy.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Manohara 's mother, Daisy uses blackmagic, her ex husband George Manz claim
PRINCESS Manohara Odelia’s father, George Manz, has described his ex-wife Daisy Fajarina “as an evil mother” who dabbles in black magic.
Speaking to Malay Mail from Canada, Manz, 58, said that Daisy, 44, took Manohara away from him when she was aged two, 15 years ago.
Asked to back his claims of Daisy dabbling in black magic, he said: “Once when we were together, I took Daisy to a dentist who was shocked when he saw her X-ray. She had small gold needles and diamond stones embedded inside her chin.”
Malay Mail contacted Manz after obtaining a copy of a letter, dated June 15, he had sent to Manohara’s husband, Tengku Temenggong Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra.
He wrote to Tengku Fakhry, whom he has never met before, “because I believe that he can take care of Manohara and free her from her evil mother”.
He had also ended the letter saying: “My wish is that Manohara is freed from her evil mother.” (see letter) He has informed Tengku Fakhry that he will seek the help of the US State Department to take action to recover Manohara from Indonesia by virtue of her US citizenship.

APPEAL: Manz’s letter to Tengku Fakhry
Manz said he decided to give an interview to Malay Mail as he wanted to help his daughter.
He said: “I have not seen Manohara since she was taken away from me. However, I have been following all developments online and by keeping in touch with friends in Jakarta and Singapore.
“People are being fooled by that evil woman. I can only pray to God to help Manohara,” said Manz who lives in North America.
“My poor daughter, hopefully she will not turn out to be like her mother. Daisy remains manipulative and was never loyal to me.”
Manohara, 17, a teen model before she married Tengku Fakhry, 32, was born on Feb 28, 1992, in Jakarta. Manz said Manohara’s surname should be his, as is on her personal American documents, and not Pinot.
A copy of his letter to Tengku Fakhry has attachments of Manohara’s birth certificate, certificate of birth in Indonesia, USA social security number and her first US passport, all bearing Manz as the surname.
Pinot is the last name of Daisy’s ex-French husband Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot, 66, who had served four months in a jail in France last year for sexual assault of their stepdaughter known as Noack.
He had raped the woman, then in her early 20s, and forced her to masturbate him, court documents that Malay Mail highlighted last Friday revealed.
In one moment of madness, Daisy forced Pinot to caress Noack stark-naked in front of her. Court documents made available to the Malay Mail also showed Daisy was sentenced to 18 months’ jail in absentia by the same court for submitting a vulnerable Noack to undignified working conditions and assault since 1998.
Daisy remains a fugitive from France and has been on Interpol’s “Red Notice” for the past year. Last month, when a debate emerged in Indonesia if Manohara should be deported, Daisy said: “Mano is an Indonesian citizen, she’s got Indonesian passport. It’s not true what they say. Just let them make a fool of themselves. I deem that they are just a stupid people.”
Many argue that she should be deported to Malaysia since she is married to Tengku Fakhry and is Cik Puan Temenggong Kelantan.
Manohara escaped to Indonesia on May 31 from Singapore where she had gone with her husband to visit the prince’s father, the Sultan of Kelantan, who was receiving treatment for a heart ailment at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital.
Daisy has alleged that her daughter was physically and sexually abused when she was in Malaysia after her marriage to Tengku Fakhry.
All the allegations have been denied by the prince and Daisy has yet to produce any medical reports establishing assault.
Teen model manipulated by mum
DAISY Fajarina drove her ex-husband George Manz “crazy” to the extent he became an alcoholic, the latter has claimed.
“Due to all these problems, I became an alcoholic as I really missed my daughter,” Manz, 58, told Malay Mail via telephone from North America early today.
He said he met Daisy in 1989, through his friends in Jakarta when he was a field engineer and also had his own business.
They had Manohara in 1992 and two years later the child was taken away from him.
Manz claimed that Daisy was never loyal to him and “seduces men easily”. He also said she took all the US$15,000 he earned a month.
“Daisy is very manipulative, a con woman and would do anything for money and everything she says is a lie,” he alleged.
Speaking to Malay Mail from Canada, Manz, 58, said that Daisy, 44, took Manohara away from him when she was aged two, 15 years ago.
Picture: Manohara & Her mother Daisy
Asked to back his claims of Daisy dabbling in black magic, he said: “Once when we were together, I took Daisy to a dentist who was shocked when he saw her X-ray. She had small gold needles and diamond stones embedded inside her chin.”
Malay Mail contacted Manz after obtaining a copy of a letter, dated June 15, he had sent to Manohara’s husband, Tengku Temenggong Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra.
He wrote to Tengku Fakhry, whom he has never met before, “because I believe that he can take care of Manohara and free her from her evil mother”.
He had also ended the letter saying: “My wish is that Manohara is freed from her evil mother.” (see letter) He has informed Tengku Fakhry that he will seek the help of the US State Department to take action to recover Manohara from Indonesia by virtue of her US citizenship.
APPEAL: Manz’s letter to Tengku Fakhry
He said: “I have not seen Manohara since she was taken away from me. However, I have been following all developments online and by keeping in touch with friends in Jakarta and Singapore.
“People are being fooled by that evil woman. I can only pray to God to help Manohara,” said Manz who lives in North America.
“My poor daughter, hopefully she will not turn out to be like her mother. Daisy remains manipulative and was never loyal to me.”
Manohara, 17, a teen model before she married Tengku Fakhry, 32, was born on Feb 28, 1992, in Jakarta. Manz said Manohara’s surname should be his, as is on her personal American documents, and not Pinot.
A copy of his letter to Tengku Fakhry has attachments of Manohara’s birth certificate, certificate of birth in Indonesia, USA social security number and her first US passport, all bearing Manz as the surname.
Pinot is the last name of Daisy’s ex-French husband Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot, 66, who had served four months in a jail in France last year for sexual assault of their stepdaughter known as Noack.
He had raped the woman, then in her early 20s, and forced her to masturbate him, court documents that Malay Mail highlighted last Friday revealed.
Picture: Daisy, Manohara & Noack Pinot
In one moment of madness, Daisy forced Pinot to caress Noack stark-naked in front of her. Court documents made available to the Malay Mail also showed Daisy was sentenced to 18 months’ jail in absentia by the same court for submitting a vulnerable Noack to undignified working conditions and assault since 1998.
Daisy remains a fugitive from France and has been on Interpol’s “Red Notice” for the past year. Last month, when a debate emerged in Indonesia if Manohara should be deported, Daisy said: “Mano is an Indonesian citizen, she’s got Indonesian passport. It’s not true what they say. Just let them make a fool of themselves. I deem that they are just a stupid people.”
Many argue that she should be deported to Malaysia since she is married to Tengku Fakhry and is Cik Puan Temenggong Kelantan.
Manohara escaped to Indonesia on May 31 from Singapore where she had gone with her husband to visit the prince’s father, the Sultan of Kelantan, who was receiving treatment for a heart ailment at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital.
Daisy has alleged that her daughter was physically and sexually abused when she was in Malaysia after her marriage to Tengku Fakhry.
All the allegations have been denied by the prince and Daisy has yet to produce any medical reports establishing assault.
Teen model manipulated by mum
DAISY Fajarina drove her ex-husband George Manz “crazy” to the extent he became an alcoholic, the latter has claimed.
“Due to all these problems, I became an alcoholic as I really missed my daughter,” Manz, 58, told Malay Mail via telephone from North America early today.
He said he met Daisy in 1989, through his friends in Jakarta when he was a field engineer and also had his own business.
They had Manohara in 1992 and two years later the child was taken away from him.
Manz claimed that Daisy was never loyal to him and “seduces men easily”. He also said she took all the US$15,000 he earned a month.
“Daisy is very manipulative, a con woman and would do anything for money and everything she says is a lie,” he alleged.
He believes that Manohara is being manipulated by her mother “and all decisions pertaining to her are being made by the mother”.
Manz hopes Manohara will one day “come to me”.
(Source from mmail)
Also Read
DAISY'S DARK SECRET: Adopted daughter fears going home
Documents translated in full and certified by Alliance Francaise
Malay Langauge Version
KUALA LUMPUR, - Kini ada khabar mengejutkan dari George Manz, lelaki yang berasal dari Amerika Syrikat yang mengaku sebagai ayah kandung Manohara. Kepada media Malaysia Malay Mail, Manz mengaku telah mengirim surat kepada Fakhry. Pria 58 tahun itu juga berjanji mengembalikan Manohara kepada Pangeran Kelantan itu.
Yang mengejutkan adalah pengakuan Manz tentang Daisy Fajarina, ibu Manohara. Manz menggambarkan bekas istrinya itu sebagai "ibu yang jahat" dan suka menggunakan Ilmu hitam (Black Magic). “Waktu kami masih bersama, saya membawanya berjumpa seorang doktor gigi. Doktor itu heran melihat hasil X-ray Daisy. Di dagunya ada beberapa jarum kecil dan berlian,” tutur Manz seperti disunting Malay Mail.
Jika benar yang disampaikan Manz, artinya Daisy menggunakan susuk. Manz mengaku belum pernah bertemu lagi dengan Manohara, kerana putrinya itu telah dibawa pergi oleh Daisy sejak dia berusia dua tahun. “Tetapi saya selalu mengikuti perkembangannya semasa melalui internet dan terus berhubungan dengan teman-teman saya di Jakarta dan Singapura,” jelas Manz.
Alasan utama Manz menulis surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra adalah dia yakin pangeran itu boleh menyelamatkan putrinya dari Daisy. “Harapan saya, Manohara boleh dibebas dan merdeka dari ibunya yang jahat itu,” tulis Manz pada akhir surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra.
Kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra dia telah berjanji akan meminta bantuan pihak Jabatan Luar Negeri Amerika Syrikat agar segera bertindak untuk mengambil Manohara daripada Indonesia atas dasar statusnya sebagai warganegara Amerika Syrikat. “Orang telah tertipu oleh perempuan jahat itu. Saya hanya boleh berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menolong Manohara. Saya berharap putri saya yang malang itu tidak menjadi seperti ibunya. Daisy tetap orang yang suka manipulatif dan tidak pernah setia pada saya,” papar Manz.
Manohara dilahirkan di Jakarta pada 28 Februari 1992. Manz kecewa kerana Manohara menggunakan nama Pinot sebagai nama keluarga dan bukan Manz, padahal dia ayah kandungnya. Dalam dokumen-dokumen pribadi yang dikeluarkan pihak pendafatran Amerika Syrikat (AS), Manohara masih menggunakan nama Manz.
Dalam surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra, Manz melampirkan surat kelahiran Manohara di Jakarta, nomor jaminan sosialnya di AS, paspor AS, yang semuanya bernama keluarga Manz. Pinot adalah nama bekas suami yang lain Daisy, iaitu Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot. seorang lelaki berumur 66 tahun itu baru keluar dari penjara Prancis setelah dikurung selama empat bulan kerana perbuatan pencabulan seksual terhadap anak angkat mereka.
Keterangan oleh Manz ini jelas bertentangan dengan pernyataan Daisy kepada media-media Indonesia bahawa Manohara berkewarganegaraan Indonesia dan memiliki pasport Indonesia. Manz berterus terang kepada Malay Mail bahwa tingkah laku Daisy membuatkan dia "gila". “Gara-gara masalah itu, saya menjadi seorang pemabuk kerana saya sangat merindukan putri saya,” keluh George Manz yang dihubungi Malay Mail melalui telepon pada hari Isnin (6hb Julai) yang lalu.
Manz mula berkenalan dengan Daisy pada tahun1989. Sewaktu dia bekerja di Indonesia sebagai jurutera dan juga memiliki perniagaan pribadi. Manohara lahir pada tahun 1992. Dua tahun kemudian Daisy meninggalkannya Manz dengan membawa serta Manohara.
Manz mendakwa Daisy tidak pernah setia padanya dan ‘dengan mudah menggoda lelaki-lelaki yang lain’. Selain itu, tambahnya, Daisy telah mengambil semua gajinya yang berjumlah 15,000 Dolar AS (MYR 3.5) sebulan. “Daisy sangat manipulatif, perempuan jahat dan juga akan melakukan apa-apa pun demi wang. Semua yang dikatakan olehnya adalah bohong belaka,” tuduh Manz.
Dia yakin Manohara juga dimanipulasi oleh ibunya sendiri dan semua keputusan tentang dirinya dibuat oleh ibunya. Manz berharap suatu hari nanti Manohara akan "pulang kembali datang kepadapadanya".
Dibawah ini adalah salinan surat daripada George Manz kepada Tengku Mohamad Fakhry, suami Manohara. Tulisan pada sebelah kanan diatas yang biasanya berisi alamat pengirim ditutupi oleh Malay Mail.
Terjemahanan Surat George Manz kepada
Tenku Muhammad Fakhry Petra
Yang berhormat Tenku,
Saya baru sahaja pulang dari New Jersey untuk mengunjungi ayah saya yang sedang sakit.
Saya melampirkan sijil kelahiran Manohara, sijil kelahirannya di Indonesia, nomor jaminan sosial Amerika Syrikat (AS), pasport AS pertamanya, serta salinan pasport saya.
Saya akan mendukung anda apa yang semampu. Saya menunggu dokumen-dokumen yang Anda kirim. Selepas saya menerimanya, saya akan menyerahkan salinannya ke Jabatan luar Negera AS dan meminta mereka untuk bertindak demi mengambil kembali Manohara dari Indonesia.
Saya berharap bantuan saya ini sedikit banyak dapat membantu dan berguna. Harapan saya, Manohara dapat bebas dari ibunya yang jahat itu.
George Manz
15hb June 2009
Also Read
DAISY'S DARK SECRET: Adopted daughter fears going home
Documents translated in full and certified by Alliance Francaise
Malay Langauge Version
KUALA LUMPUR, - Kini ada khabar mengejutkan dari George Manz, lelaki yang berasal dari Amerika Syrikat yang mengaku sebagai ayah kandung Manohara. Kepada media Malaysia Malay Mail, Manz mengaku telah mengirim surat kepada Fakhry. Pria 58 tahun itu juga berjanji mengembalikan Manohara kepada Pangeran Kelantan itu.
Yang mengejutkan adalah pengakuan Manz tentang Daisy Fajarina, ibu Manohara. Manz menggambarkan bekas istrinya itu sebagai "ibu yang jahat" dan suka menggunakan Ilmu hitam (Black Magic). “Waktu kami masih bersama, saya membawanya berjumpa seorang doktor gigi. Doktor itu heran melihat hasil X-ray Daisy. Di dagunya ada beberapa jarum kecil dan berlian,” tutur Manz seperti disunting Malay Mail.
Jika benar yang disampaikan Manz, artinya Daisy menggunakan susuk. Manz mengaku belum pernah bertemu lagi dengan Manohara, kerana putrinya itu telah dibawa pergi oleh Daisy sejak dia berusia dua tahun. “Tetapi saya selalu mengikuti perkembangannya semasa melalui internet dan terus berhubungan dengan teman-teman saya di Jakarta dan Singapura,” jelas Manz.
Alasan utama Manz menulis surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra adalah dia yakin pangeran itu boleh menyelamatkan putrinya dari Daisy. “Harapan saya, Manohara boleh dibebas dan merdeka dari ibunya yang jahat itu,” tulis Manz pada akhir surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra.
Kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra dia telah berjanji akan meminta bantuan pihak Jabatan Luar Negeri Amerika Syrikat agar segera bertindak untuk mengambil Manohara daripada Indonesia atas dasar statusnya sebagai warganegara Amerika Syrikat. “Orang telah tertipu oleh perempuan jahat itu. Saya hanya boleh berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menolong Manohara. Saya berharap putri saya yang malang itu tidak menjadi seperti ibunya. Daisy tetap orang yang suka manipulatif dan tidak pernah setia pada saya,” papar Manz.
Manohara dilahirkan di Jakarta pada 28 Februari 1992. Manz kecewa kerana Manohara menggunakan nama Pinot sebagai nama keluarga dan bukan Manz, padahal dia ayah kandungnya. Dalam dokumen-dokumen pribadi yang dikeluarkan pihak pendafatran Amerika Syrikat (AS), Manohara masih menggunakan nama Manz.
Dalam surat kepada Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra, Manz melampirkan surat kelahiran Manohara di Jakarta, nomor jaminan sosialnya di AS, paspor AS, yang semuanya bernama keluarga Manz. Pinot adalah nama bekas suami yang lain Daisy, iaitu Juergen Reiner Noack Pinot. seorang lelaki berumur 66 tahun itu baru keluar dari penjara Prancis setelah dikurung selama empat bulan kerana perbuatan pencabulan seksual terhadap anak angkat mereka.
Keterangan oleh Manz ini jelas bertentangan dengan pernyataan Daisy kepada media-media Indonesia bahawa Manohara berkewarganegaraan Indonesia dan memiliki pasport Indonesia. Manz berterus terang kepada Malay Mail bahwa tingkah laku Daisy membuatkan dia "gila". “Gara-gara masalah itu, saya menjadi seorang pemabuk kerana saya sangat merindukan putri saya,” keluh George Manz yang dihubungi Malay Mail melalui telepon pada hari Isnin (6hb Julai) yang lalu.
Manz mula berkenalan dengan Daisy pada tahun1989. Sewaktu dia bekerja di Indonesia sebagai jurutera dan juga memiliki perniagaan pribadi. Manohara lahir pada tahun 1992. Dua tahun kemudian Daisy meninggalkannya Manz dengan membawa serta Manohara.
Manz mendakwa Daisy tidak pernah setia padanya dan ‘dengan mudah menggoda lelaki-lelaki yang lain’. Selain itu, tambahnya, Daisy telah mengambil semua gajinya yang berjumlah 15,000 Dolar AS (MYR 3.5) sebulan. “Daisy sangat manipulatif, perempuan jahat dan juga akan melakukan apa-apa pun demi wang. Semua yang dikatakan olehnya adalah bohong belaka,” tuduh Manz.
Dia yakin Manohara juga dimanipulasi oleh ibunya sendiri dan semua keputusan tentang dirinya dibuat oleh ibunya. Manz berharap suatu hari nanti Manohara akan "pulang kembali datang kepadapadanya".
Dibawah ini adalah salinan surat daripada George Manz kepada Tengku Mohamad Fakhry, suami Manohara. Tulisan pada sebelah kanan diatas yang biasanya berisi alamat pengirim ditutupi oleh Malay Mail.
Terjemahanan Surat George Manz kepada
Tenku Muhammad Fakhry Petra
Yang berhormat Tenku,
Saya baru sahaja pulang dari New Jersey untuk mengunjungi ayah saya yang sedang sakit.
Saya melampirkan sijil kelahiran Manohara, sijil kelahirannya di Indonesia, nomor jaminan sosial Amerika Syrikat (AS), pasport AS pertamanya, serta salinan pasport saya.
Saya akan mendukung anda apa yang semampu. Saya menunggu dokumen-dokumen yang Anda kirim. Selepas saya menerimanya, saya akan menyerahkan salinannya ke Jabatan luar Negera AS dan meminta mereka untuk bertindak demi mengambil kembali Manohara dari Indonesia.
Saya berharap bantuan saya ini sedikit banyak dapat membantu dan berguna. Harapan saya, Manohara dapat bebas dari ibunya yang jahat itu.
George Manz
15hb June 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Only 10 and genius Adi is a CEO and a lecturer??? EIK???
Must be something wrong, about this Adi Putra Abdul Ghani.. Haven't go for I.Q TEST Yet! but
A CHILD genius Adi Putra Abdul Ghani, 10, is now the chief executive officer of two companies and a lecturer who charges RM6,000 per hour, Sin Chew Daily and Nanyang Siang Pau reported.
The dailies said his mother Serihana Alias operates the two companies, which sell vitamins under the brand Adi. hmmmmmm
Adi Putra, who is supposed to be attending Year Four classes at his age, has stopped schooling.
He has been invited to certain local universities to give lectures.
The Perak-born child genius, who moved to Selangor with his family a few years ago, was quoted as saying that he wanted to be a lecturer in Islamic studies.
Serihana said he keeps track of foreign stock markets via the Internet and studies at home.
“He’s interested in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography and biology, but not so much in history and politics.
He dislikes reading books but loves spending his time browsing the Net for study materials.
“Adi also hopes to study in Canada, Singapore or the United States, but we have yet to come to a final decision,” she said. Yeah! right..
A CHILD genius Adi Putra Abdul Ghani, 10, is now the chief executive officer of two companies and a lecturer who charges RM6,000 per hour, Sin Chew Daily and Nanyang Siang Pau reported.
The dailies said his mother Serihana Alias operates the two companies, which sell vitamins under the brand Adi. hmmmmmm
Brainy: File picture showing Adi Putra, who is now a lecturer and chief executive officer of two companies. Sure of not???!!! okie read more..
He has been invited to certain local universities to give lectures.
The Perak-born child genius, who moved to Selangor with his family a few years ago, was quoted as saying that he wanted to be a lecturer in Islamic studies.
Serihana said he keeps track of foreign stock markets via the Internet and studies at home.
“He’s interested in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography and biology, but not so much in history and politics.
He dislikes reading books but loves spending his time browsing the Net for study materials.
“Adi also hopes to study in Canada, Singapore or the United States, but we have yet to come to a final decision,” she said. Yeah! right..
Bypass ISP RapidShare Block/Ban
Important Notes:
The methods below were only tested with Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3, Mozilla Firefox & HiDownload Download Manager.
Proven Methods
Premium Users
A lot of ISP are starting to throttle connections to Luckily for us, ISP's only implement a simple URL Filtering that detects in connections and throttles the user's download speed. The easiest workaround is to replace with the actual IP Address.
Here's how it works:
Method A:
1. Go to
2. Copy & Paste the links into the form and click "POST"
3. Wait for the server to process the links
4. Once links has been generated, copy and paste the new links into your Download Manager
5. Enjoy the speed :)
6. Spread the word out!
Method B:
Example RapidShare Link:
Visit the link in your browser and you will eventually get another link that looks like this:
ISP's URL Filtering program detects "" in the above URL. So in order to bypass the filter, you have to find out the actual IP Adresss of ""
To get the IP Address, go to
....and key in :
You should get its IP :
So change the above links to:
Copy & Paste the URL above to your Download Manager (I recommend IDM or HiDownload). Don't forget to key in the username and password for
Good Luck and Have Fun ;)
Free Users
Method A:
Link example -
1. Wait until the Click for Download link appear
2. View page source
3. Find method="post"
4. Copy the link on the left of the source;
5. Find IP address via
6. Replace with IP addres, in this case;
7. Your final link should look like this:
8. Download
Method B: If you get a blank page when accessing
This is a little difficult as you need to go through 2 IP Lookup and URL Replace.
1) Open any RS links, eg:
2) If you do a "mouse over" over the free user button and watch the URL bar at the bottom of your browser you can see the actual address to the RS "free user countdown timer" page which in this case:
This is the tricky part as your ISP would not allow you to go to the "count down" page due to the existance of "" in the above links.
So you need to do an IP look up for the above "" in this case it is ""
3) This is where you trick your ISP to allow you to do the link jump:
i- From that RSlinks page.. Do a "view source..." (By clicking on "view" pulldown list in your browser and clicking on "source")
ii- You will see the html page source in notepad or any text editor
iii- In the text editor replace the URL with the IP. (tips do a search for keyword "method="post"" to easily find the code links)
iv- Save the file as anyname.HTML file format.
v-Double-click/open the saved html file, once opened you will get a strip down look of the original webpage but the "free user" button is still visible. Just double click on it and you should be able to go to the "count down" page
Now to get to the "Final IP..."
4) Once count down finish and the download button appears... do another "view source".... you should now be seeing the html code of the page and do a search for the keywords "mirror" onclick=" there is a bunch of links there just do a URL=>IP replace on any of the "FINAL LINKS" here and copy and paste the whole modified links in any browser or IDM...
It should now work :)
Originally written by kuman245. Edited by ibnuasad
Credits to automan5891 for finding
The methods below were only tested with Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3, Mozilla Firefox & HiDownload Download Manager.
Proven Methods
Premium Users
A lot of ISP are starting to throttle connections to Luckily for us, ISP's only implement a simple URL Filtering that detects in connections and throttles the user's download speed. The easiest workaround is to replace with the actual IP Address.
Here's how it works:
Method A:
1. Go to
2. Copy & Paste the links into the form and click "POST"
3. Wait for the server to process the links
4. Once links has been generated, copy and paste the new links into your Download Manager
5. Enjoy the speed :)
6. Spread the word out!
Method B:
Example RapidShare Link:
Visit the link in your browser and you will eventually get another link that looks like this:
ISP's URL Filtering program detects "" in the above URL. So in order to bypass the filter, you have to find out the actual IP Adresss of ""
To get the IP Address, go to
....and key in :
You should get its IP :
So change the above links to:
Copy & Paste the URL above to your Download Manager (I recommend IDM or HiDownload). Don't forget to key in the username and password for
Good Luck and Have Fun ;)
Free Users
Method A:
Link example -
1. Wait until the Click for Download link appear
2. View page source
3. Find method="post"
4. Copy the link on the left of the source;
5. Find IP address via
6. Replace with IP addres, in this case;
7. Your final link should look like this:
8. Download
Method B: If you get a blank page when accessing
This is a little difficult as you need to go through 2 IP Lookup and URL Replace.
1) Open any RS links, eg:
2) If you do a "mouse over" over the free user button and watch the URL bar at the bottom of your browser you can see the actual address to the RS "free user countdown timer" page which in this case:
This is the tricky part as your ISP would not allow you to go to the "count down" page due to the existance of "" in the above links.
So you need to do an IP look up for the above "" in this case it is ""
3) This is where you trick your ISP to allow you to do the link jump:
i- From that RSlinks page.. Do a "view source..." (By clicking on "view" pulldown list in your browser and clicking on "source")
ii- You will see the html page source in notepad or any text editor
iii- In the text editor replace the URL with the IP. (tips do a search for keyword "method="post"" to easily find the code links)
iv- Save the file as anyname.HTML file format.
v-Double-click/open the saved html file, once opened you will get a strip down look of the original webpage but the "free user" button is still visible. Just double click on it and you should be able to go to the "count down" page
Now to get to the "Final IP..."
4) Once count down finish and the download button appears... do another "view source".... you should now be seeing the html code of the page and do a search for the keywords "mirror" onclick=" there is a bunch of links there just do a URL=>IP replace on any of the "FINAL LINKS" here and copy and paste the whole modified links in any browser or IDM...
It should now work :)
Originally written by kuman245. Edited by ibnuasad
Credits to automan5891 for finding
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tmnets blocking rapidshare. still can dl but the speed is between 0 - 2 kb/s!!!!!!!!! Anything with 'rapidshare' in the url address will be blocked.
So what you need to do to bypass this filter, just follow this step, first you have to convert the rapidshare link (so that the word rapidshare in the url add will be converted to number) Go to then looking click at "Rapid Check Form".
Paste the original Rapidshare link into the box and then click "Post" button, wait until you get new a link with IP address.. Waaa laaa!!! Done!!!
Found another link
If you have RS Priumeum Premium, download below software - iGetter
Flashget <-- if you have problem use following link
So in this igetter, just copy paste the new converted rs link but the leceh thing is have to key in rapidshare account username & password for every download..........
This will give you extra work but it is working .....
Read Also ::
Bypass ISP RapidShare Block/Ban
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Malaysia Day
POP quiz: Is Malaysia 46 or 52?
Historical facts show that the Federated Malay states gained independence on 31 Aug 1957. Thus, Malaya was freed from colonial rule 52 years ago. But the birth of Malaysia itself, when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the independent Malay states, took place on 16 Sept 1963. That makes the country 46 years old. Singapore left in 1965.
Quibbling over numbers is just a small part of the debate. The fact that Malaysia Day is not observed as a national event or public holiday like Merdeka is, is but one grievance about the peninsula's neglect of Sabah and Sarawak. The neglect runs deeper than that, of course. It is political, demonstrated in uneven development and in the lack of protection of human rights. The plight of the Penan is one damning example of how minority groups in east Malaysia are treated.
In 1963, Malaysia's formation would have fallen on 31 Aug to coincide with independence. However, more time was needed to announce a United Nations survey on whether the peoples of Sarawak and North Borneo, as Sabah was then called, wanted to join Malaysia. It is instructive to note that Sabah and Sarawak were admitted into Malaysia as a way to increase the ethnic composition of bumiputera: Malays and indigenous peoples.
Yet, East Malaysian leaders now lament that the lack of recognition given to 16 Sept is hampering genuine national unity. They contend that there has been little advancement of East Malaysians in the civil service, and that glaring economic disparities remain between Malay Malaysian bumiputera and non-Malay Malaysian bumiputera.
Other outstanding woes include the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah and their strange success in obtaining citizenship. There are concerns, too, about the importation of Islam and race-based politics when Sabah and Sarawak are guaranteed cultural, religious and language diversity autonomy under the Sabah 20-Point Agreement and the Sarawak 18-Point Agreement. Both are international treaties signed when Malaysia was established.
Historical facts show that the Federated Malay states gained independence on 31 Aug 1957. Thus, Malaya was freed from colonial rule 52 years ago. But the birth of Malaysia itself, when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the independent Malay states, took place on 16 Sept 1963. That makes the country 46 years old. Singapore left in 1965.
Quibbling over numbers is just a small part of the debate. The fact that Malaysia Day is not observed as a national event or public holiday like Merdeka is, is but one grievance about the peninsula's neglect of Sabah and Sarawak. The neglect runs deeper than that, of course. It is political, demonstrated in uneven development and in the lack of protection of human rights. The plight of the Penan is one damning example of how minority groups in east Malaysia are treated.
In 1963, Malaysia's formation would have fallen on 31 Aug to coincide with independence. However, more time was needed to announce a United Nations survey on whether the peoples of Sarawak and North Borneo, as Sabah was then called, wanted to join Malaysia. It is instructive to note that Sabah and Sarawak were admitted into Malaysia as a way to increase the ethnic composition of bumiputera: Malays and indigenous peoples.
Yet, East Malaysian leaders now lament that the lack of recognition given to 16 Sept is hampering genuine national unity. They contend that there has been little advancement of East Malaysians in the civil service, and that glaring economic disparities remain between Malay Malaysian bumiputera and non-Malay Malaysian bumiputera.
Other outstanding woes include the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah and their strange success in obtaining citizenship. There are concerns, too, about the importation of Islam and race-based politics when Sabah and Sarawak are guaranteed cultural, religious and language diversity autonomy under the Sabah 20-Point Agreement and the Sarawak 18-Point Agreement. Both are international treaties signed when Malaysia was established.

Last year, 2008, saw Malaysia Day being given prominence, but perhaps for the wrong reasons. It took the Barisan Nasional (BN)'s dismal performance in the peninsula at the March general election for the political spotlight to be turned onto Sabah and Sarawak. Combined, these two states kept the BN in federal power with the 54 out of the 140 seats it had contested. East Malaysian BN politicians felt empowered to demand due reward, such as more cabinet posts and higher oil royalties.
Yong Coinciding with calls for more political recognition and greater economic opportunities was the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP)'s no-confidence vote against then prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee then said there was no more BN "spirit" in Sabah, and that the BN had not given "due recognition" to the state. On 17 Sept 2008, a day after Malaysia Day, Yong withdrew his party from the BN coalition. Its two Members of Parliament (MPs) are now independents.
At the same time, there was much hype over the Pakatan Rakyat (PR)'s plan to take over federal government. 16 Sept was the deadline and speculation abounded on the number of BN MPs said to be willing and ready to cross over. Coy about the numbers and hopelessly confident that it would happen, PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim disappointed many when the takeover did not materialise, and provided fodder for the BN to criticise the opposition.
With the PR's takeover plan a failure, the date became symbolic of aspirations of what a united Malaysia, free from racial and religious bias and free from repressive laws, could be.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat on 15 Sept 2008 convened a mammoth rally at the Kelana Jaya stadium in Petaling Jaya to commemorate Malaysia's formation and to press for the release of blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, then Internal Security Act detainees. Journalist Tan Hoon Cheng had also been arrested but was released a day later on 14 Sept.
Meanwhile, Anwar had proposed that 16 Sept be made a public holiday in all PR-led states, and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng promised to do so starting in 2009.
Citizens reclaim Malaysia
But these may just be populist moves by politicians. More meaningful are efforts by citizens to reclaim a united Malaysia and to celebrate Malaysia Day in individual ways.

Such initiatives are heartening in the face of the official government position as to why 16 Sept does not warrant more attention. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said since 31 Aug has been chosen as National Day, "having another date will give rise to all kinds of interpretation, polemic, and this is not healthy to national integration."
Separate but equal
By N Shashi Kala and Ooi Ying Nee,
THE establishment of Malaysia was much like a marriage. Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak entered into matrimony on 16 Sept 1963. Indonesia and the Philippines spoke out against the union instead of forever holding their peace.
Despite the opposition, the four regions pledged unity as a single, sovereign federation, promising to be faithful and equal partners in good times and in bad, in joy and in sorrow.
And they lived happily ever after.
Or didn’t.
Fast forward 45 years after the union. Singapore has, since 1965, seceded from Malaysia. The relationship between Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak is no longer sacrosanct, a marriage rocked with broken promises. The East Malaysian states have “descended” in ranks to become no more than a wronged spouse in an unfortunate union, with West Malaysia enjoying political supremacy and socio-economic advantage.
“Sarawak and Sabah feel that we have been sidelined. There is still that uneasy feeling [that begs us to question], ‘Are we really part of the three regions (i.e. Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak)?’” says Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president Datuk Seri Dr James Jemut Masing.
With the political events that have swept the nation, that bleak situation might change. As a result of the 8 March 2008 elections, Sabah and Sarawak’s support have become particularly important to the survival of the Barisan Nasional (BN). The East Malaysian states have once more found leverage, just as they did in 1963, when they were wooed to join the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia. Then, it was so that their native populations would provide a counterweight to Singapore’s predominately Chinese population.
“I would like to emphasise that Sabah and Sarawak are two of the most critical partners of Malaysia. And 8 March shows, we cannot ignore that. You cannot ignore us,” Masing says in a phone interview.
Political observers say the key to cultivating unity between East and West Malaysia is to overcome the national historical amnesia about Sabah and Sarawak’s equal partnership in the federation. The two states’ cultural and religious autonomy must also be respected.
“To foster unity, we must recognise that there are three regions in Malaysia. Not two out of the 14 states. If we understand that, I think a closer relationship can be built much faster,” Masing says.
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, who is president of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko), and a former chief minister of Sabah, concurs.
If we want national unity, “it must not be artificial — you know, singing this song or that song... it should be more practical, [such as] settling grouses and changing the people’s mindsets.
“There is still this perception that Malaysia refers specifically to the peninsula. When I tell people in Semenanjung that I am going back to Sabah, they ask me when I am coming back to Malaysia. The mindset that Sabah [and Sarawak] is an addendum to Malaysia must change,” he tells The Nut Graph in a phone interview.

Which direction are we headed in? A boatman waits for passengers at the Sarawak river (© Albert Lai / rights
Sabah and Sarawak were guaranteed enormous autonomy under the auspices of the 20-Point Agreement (Sabah) and the 18-Point Agreement (Sarawak), the international treaty signed during Malaysia’s establishment.
The agreement stipulates, among others, that Sabah and Sarawak are not required to declare Islam as their state religion. The states would also have control over immigration, the civil service, education and development funds.
But these rights have, over the years, been bartered away by politicians who were eager to gain favour with Putrajaya.
Monash University Malaysia political science professor James Chin says respect for that agreement is the lynchpin of unity between East and West Malaysia.
“The people of Sabah and Sarawak feel that the federal government has not met their promise,” he says.
Dompok believes Sabahans have been shortchanged in some crucial areas. He points to the civil service as an example. “After 45 years as Malaysians, there are not many signs of advancement [in the civil service]; we don’t get a chief secretary, for instance.
“There are many explanations offered [by the federal government]. But the country has not worked hard enough to ensure that the civil service is a reflection of Malaysia. We should have a service that is Malaysia, truly Malaysia,” complains Dompok, who is also minister in the prime minister’s department.
“Another point of contention is the economic disparity between the Malay bumiputera and the non-Malay bumiputera. There are glaring disparities that require attention,” he adds.
Constitutional law expert Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi thinks we ignore at our peril the importance of the international treaty that binds Malaysia.
“Sabah is wedded to the 20 points. And Sarawak is wedded to the 18 points. They hold it dear to their hearts and we must respect that. Nations are born not because the law binds them. But nations survive, and unity and patriotism are created by winning people’s hearts,” says Shad.
Shad maintains that Sabah and Sarawak are more than equal partners under the Federation. Most of the 20 points are included into the Constitution; and the states have additional law-making and financial powers, and sources of revenue that are not available to the West Malaysian states.
“But whether they (the people of Sabah and Sarawak) are afforded those special rights in the administration, that is the question,” he says.
However, Shad says, Sabah and Sarawak must also take a share of the blame. The lack of development in these two states is also the result of inadequate leadership, mismanagement, and the lack of dynamic policies.

An Iban dance performed at the Borneo Cultural Centre (© Alex Hilton / and religious autonomy
Chin says granting Sabah and Sarawak complete autonomy would go against the notion of building a united nation. But the federal government should respect Sabah and Sarawak’s cultural, religious and language diversity and autonomy.
The many minority bumiputera groups in Sabah and Sarawak are largely marginalised by sheer virtue of the fact that every facet of life — be it pop culture or political discourse — operate along Malay, Chinese and Indian racial lines. The people of Sabah and Sarawak are more than often under-represented in these areas.
Chin says the government could, for example, grant the people of Sabah their own television station, which they have been asking for since the 1980s.
“It’s very simple, it’s not very difficult and it doesn’t cost a lot of money. It’s not a multi-billion ringgit project, it’s a matter of political will,” he says.
Furthermore, the government should not export Putrajaya’s brand of race-based politics or try to Islamise the population. Such actions would undermine the inherent pluralism in Sabah and Sarawak.
Chin says the ruling coalition has been trying to export its model of race-based politics to Sabah since the early 1990s. It has racialised politics in Sabah and created a heightened sense of ethnicity.
“Race is not an issue there. When you start promoting race, you will heighten the awareness of racial issues,” he says.
Additionally, while issues of an Islamic state often grab the headlines in the peninsula, Muslims are a minority among the 27 ethnic groups in Sarawak and 32 in Sabah.
Restoring history
Masing says Sabah and Sarawak feel the need to maintain autonomy because it is “the last bastion in being recognised as an integral part of Malaysia.”
He argues that once Sabah and Sarawak gain parity with the peninsula in terms of progress, development and education, the states’ protective barriers will naturally fade away.
Some have argued that this is the opportune moment for Sabah and Sarawak to make demands from the federal government in order to adjust the widening disparity between East and West Malaysia. Already, post 8 March, the federal government has been allocating funds for Sabah and Sarawak, and addressing grievances that have long been ignored such as the issues of illegal immigrants and lack of economic parity.

By and large, development has bypassed most Sabahans and SarawakiansBut Masing disagrees, saying this was exploitative “blackmail”.
“I don’t think Sabah and Sarawak — now that we hold the political strings, so to speak — should push this idea forward,” he says. He asserts that Sabah and Sarawak should have the political maturity to understand the situation and be sensitive to each other’s needs.
Nevertheless, political maturity cannot be developed if Malaysians as a whole continue to overlook the original stakeholders and the events that led to Malaysia’s formation.
With the anticipated political changes ahead, it will be interesting to see if 16 Sept will go down in history as the birth of Malaysia or the day the BN ends its half-century rule.
Whatever the outcome, the tragedy is that most national-level politicians have refused to give full importance to 16 Sept as Malaysia Day, saying it isn’t “healthy for national integration”.
“The bone of contention is this: they say Malaysia is 51 years old. Of course, that is not historically true. Malaysia was not formed 51 years ago. But there was Malaysia 45 years ago. Let us not deceive ourselves to think that something was formed before its existence,” Masing says.
Dompok, too, is bitter about this. “If you ask people in the peninsula how old the country is, they will say 51; but if you ask those in Sabah and Sarawak, they would say 45. There is this mindset that Sabah and Sarawak did not join to form a country.
“There are people who point to the United States, which got its independence on 4 July 1776. They say many of the states joined the country at a later date, yet they all celebrate 4 July. Well, in their case the other states joined them but there was no change in name — it remained the United States.
“That’s not the case here. On 16 Sept 1963, the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore joined together to form Malaysia. There was even a name change from Malaya to Malaysia to reflect its new composition, the fact that it is a new country,” he points out.
“There is no doubt that the nation is only 45 years old. But as you can see, in this matter (as in many others), Sabah and Sarawak are being asked to follow Semenanjung,” Dompok laments.
Whether we choose to think of ourselves as being 45 or 51, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the fate of Malaysians is entwined. In our march to progress, no one — be they from the peninsula, Sabah or Sarawak — should be left behind. Indeed, a nation is only as strong as its people are united.
,
Despite the opposition, the four regions pledged unity as a single, sovereign federation, promising to be faithful and equal partners in good times and in bad, in joy and in sorrow.
And they lived happily ever after.
Or didn’t.
Fast forward 45 years after the union. Singapore has, since 1965, seceded from Malaysia. The relationship between Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak is no longer sacrosanct, a marriage rocked with broken promises. The East Malaysian states have “descended” in ranks to become no more than a wronged spouse in an unfortunate union, with West Malaysia enjoying political supremacy and socio-economic advantage.
“Sarawak and Sabah feel that we have been sidelined. There is still that uneasy feeling [that begs us to question], ‘Are we really part of the three regions (i.e. Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak)?’” says Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president Datuk Seri Dr James Jemut Masing.
With the political events that have swept the nation, that bleak situation might change. As a result of the 8 March 2008 elections, Sabah and Sarawak’s support have become particularly important to the survival of the Barisan Nasional (BN). The East Malaysian states have once more found leverage, just as they did in 1963, when they were wooed to join the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia. Then, it was so that their native populations would provide a counterweight to Singapore’s predominately Chinese population.
“I would like to emphasise that Sabah and Sarawak are two of the most critical partners of Malaysia. And 8 March shows, we cannot ignore that. You cannot ignore us,” Masing says in a phone interview.
Political observers say the key to cultivating unity between East and West Malaysia is to overcome the national historical amnesia about Sabah and Sarawak’s equal partnership in the federation. The two states’ cultural and religious autonomy must also be respected.
“To foster unity, we must recognise that there are three regions in Malaysia. Not two out of the 14 states. If we understand that, I think a closer relationship can be built much faster,” Masing says.
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, who is president of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko), and a former chief minister of Sabah, concurs.
If we want national unity, “it must not be artificial — you know, singing this song or that song... it should be more practical, [such as] settling grouses and changing the people’s mindsets.
“There is still this perception that Malaysia refers specifically to the peninsula. When I tell people in Semenanjung that I am going back to Sabah, they ask me when I am coming back to Malaysia. The mindset that Sabah [and Sarawak] is an addendum to Malaysia must change,” he tells The Nut Graph in a phone interview.
Which direction are we headed in? A boatman waits for passengers at the Sarawak river (© Albert Lai / rights
Sabah and Sarawak were guaranteed enormous autonomy under the auspices of the 20-Point Agreement (Sabah) and the 18-Point Agreement (Sarawak), the international treaty signed during Malaysia’s establishment.
The agreement stipulates, among others, that Sabah and Sarawak are not required to declare Islam as their state religion. The states would also have control over immigration, the civil service, education and development funds.
But these rights have, over the years, been bartered away by politicians who were eager to gain favour with Putrajaya.
Monash University Malaysia political science professor James Chin says respect for that agreement is the lynchpin of unity between East and West Malaysia.
“The people of Sabah and Sarawak feel that the federal government has not met their promise,” he says.
Dompok believes Sabahans have been shortchanged in some crucial areas. He points to the civil service as an example. “After 45 years as Malaysians, there are not many signs of advancement [in the civil service]; we don’t get a chief secretary, for instance.
“There are many explanations offered [by the federal government]. But the country has not worked hard enough to ensure that the civil service is a reflection of Malaysia. We should have a service that is Malaysia, truly Malaysia,” complains Dompok, who is also minister in the prime minister’s department.
“Another point of contention is the economic disparity between the Malay bumiputera and the non-Malay bumiputera. There are glaring disparities that require attention,” he adds.
Constitutional law expert Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi thinks we ignore at our peril the importance of the international treaty that binds Malaysia.
“Sabah is wedded to the 20 points. And Sarawak is wedded to the 18 points. They hold it dear to their hearts and we must respect that. Nations are born not because the law binds them. But nations survive, and unity and patriotism are created by winning people’s hearts,” says Shad.
Shad maintains that Sabah and Sarawak are more than equal partners under the Federation. Most of the 20 points are included into the Constitution; and the states have additional law-making and financial powers, and sources of revenue that are not available to the West Malaysian states.
“But whether they (the people of Sabah and Sarawak) are afforded those special rights in the administration, that is the question,” he says.
However, Shad says, Sabah and Sarawak must also take a share of the blame. The lack of development in these two states is also the result of inadequate leadership, mismanagement, and the lack of dynamic policies.
An Iban dance performed at the Borneo Cultural Centre (© Alex Hilton / and religious autonomy
Chin says granting Sabah and Sarawak complete autonomy would go against the notion of building a united nation. But the federal government should respect Sabah and Sarawak’s cultural, religious and language diversity and autonomy.
The many minority bumiputera groups in Sabah and Sarawak are largely marginalised by sheer virtue of the fact that every facet of life — be it pop culture or political discourse — operate along Malay, Chinese and Indian racial lines. The people of Sabah and Sarawak are more than often under-represented in these areas.
Chin says the government could, for example, grant the people of Sabah their own television station, which they have been asking for since the 1980s.
“It’s very simple, it’s not very difficult and it doesn’t cost a lot of money. It’s not a multi-billion ringgit project, it’s a matter of political will,” he says.
Furthermore, the government should not export Putrajaya’s brand of race-based politics or try to Islamise the population. Such actions would undermine the inherent pluralism in Sabah and Sarawak.
Chin says the ruling coalition has been trying to export its model of race-based politics to Sabah since the early 1990s. It has racialised politics in Sabah and created a heightened sense of ethnicity.
“Race is not an issue there. When you start promoting race, you will heighten the awareness of racial issues,” he says.
Additionally, while issues of an Islamic state often grab the headlines in the peninsula, Muslims are a minority among the 27 ethnic groups in Sarawak and 32 in Sabah.
Restoring history
Masing says Sabah and Sarawak feel the need to maintain autonomy because it is “the last bastion in being recognised as an integral part of Malaysia.”
He argues that once Sabah and Sarawak gain parity with the peninsula in terms of progress, development and education, the states’ protective barriers will naturally fade away.
Some have argued that this is the opportune moment for Sabah and Sarawak to make demands from the federal government in order to adjust the widening disparity between East and West Malaysia. Already, post 8 March, the federal government has been allocating funds for Sabah and Sarawak, and addressing grievances that have long been ignored such as the issues of illegal immigrants and lack of economic parity.
By and large, development has bypassed most Sabahans and SarawakiansBut Masing disagrees, saying this was exploitative “blackmail”.
“I don’t think Sabah and Sarawak — now that we hold the political strings, so to speak — should push this idea forward,” he says. He asserts that Sabah and Sarawak should have the political maturity to understand the situation and be sensitive to each other’s needs.
Nevertheless, political maturity cannot be developed if Malaysians as a whole continue to overlook the original stakeholders and the events that led to Malaysia’s formation.
With the anticipated political changes ahead, it will be interesting to see if 16 Sept will go down in history as the birth of Malaysia or the day the BN ends its half-century rule.
Whatever the outcome, the tragedy is that most national-level politicians have refused to give full importance to 16 Sept as Malaysia Day, saying it isn’t “healthy for national integration”.
“The bone of contention is this: they say Malaysia is 51 years old. Of course, that is not historically true. Malaysia was not formed 51 years ago. But there was Malaysia 45 years ago. Let us not deceive ourselves to think that something was formed before its existence,” Masing says.
Dompok, too, is bitter about this. “If you ask people in the peninsula how old the country is, they will say 51; but if you ask those in Sabah and Sarawak, they would say 45. There is this mindset that Sabah and Sarawak did not join to form a country.
“There are people who point to the United States, which got its independence on 4 July 1776. They say many of the states joined the country at a later date, yet they all celebrate 4 July. Well, in their case the other states joined them but there was no change in name — it remained the United States.
“That’s not the case here. On 16 Sept 1963, the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore joined together to form Malaysia. There was even a name change from Malaya to Malaysia to reflect its new composition, the fact that it is a new country,” he points out.
“There is no doubt that the nation is only 45 years old. But as you can see, in this matter (as in many others), Sabah and Sarawak are being asked to follow Semenanjung,” Dompok laments.
Whether we choose to think of ourselves as being 45 or 51, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the fate of Malaysians is entwined. In our march to progress, no one — be they from the peninsula, Sabah or Sarawak — should be left behind. Indeed, a nation is only as strong as its people are united.
World's Youngest Mother at 11?
An 11-year-old schoolgirl in Bulgaria is said to have probably become the world's youngest mother after she gave birth to a baby on her wedding day.
According to British tabloid the 'News of the World', Kordeza, who is barely old enough to start her senior school, went into labour during her marriage to her teenage boyfriend Jeliazko Zhelyazkova.
In fact, she was wearing her flowing white dress and tiara when she arrived at hospital and gave birth to Violeta. But after spending the night with her newborn, Kordeza changed back into her wedding dress and nipped out to finish ceremony.
"I'm not going to play with toys any more, I have a new toy now," the 11-year-old bride, who fell pregnant within two weeks of her 11th birthday, was quoted as saying.
And the Zhelyazkova family couldn't be happier for their child bride, the youngest girl ever to give birth in a city where 13-year-old mums are routine, the report said.
Usul contohi azam Singpura
Mantan menteri: Guna Bahasa Malaysia untuk perpaduan kaum

KUALA LUMPUR: Mantan Menteri Penerangan Malaysia, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, berkata Malaysia hendaklah mempunyai keazaman politik untuk mencontohi Singapura bagi merealisasikan sekolah satu aliran.
Menurut beliau, tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa republik itu berjaya melahirkan satu bangsa yang tidak lagi bersuara dan bertindak atas sentimen perkauman sekalipun terdiri daripada berbilang kaum hasil kejayaan cemerlang dasar pelajarannya.
'Jika Singapura menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai jalan keluar ketika menghadapi krisis kebangkitan fahaman perkauman dan komunisme China di awal tahun 1960-an, bahasa Malaysia yang telah diterima semua kaum boleh memainkan peranan yang sama sekalipun sudah terlewat.
'Harus diingat Perdana Menteri Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew, dengan berani menunjukkan political will (keazaman politik) untuk menutup sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan menutup Nanyang University dan Ngee Ann College demi melahirkan satu bangsa Singapura sekalipun beliau menghadapi tentangan yang cukup hebat daripada golongan komunis serta cauvinis Cina dan Melayu,' katanya di sini kelmarin.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas saranan ahli-ahli parlimen yang meminta kerajaan menyusun semula sistem pendidikan negara, termasuk melaksanakan sekolah satu aliran, bagi memastikan perpaduan antara kaum dicapai.
Menurut Tan Sri Zainuddin lagi, kejayaan Singapura dapat dilihat dan dirasakan sekarang oleh mereka yang mahu melihat negara itu secara rasional apabila rakyatnya tidak lagi bercakap dan bertindak mengikut naluri dan sifat-sifat perkauman.
Beliau berkata penggunaan bahasa Malaysia untuk satu aliran sekolah tidak seharusnya dianggap sebagai perkauman kerana bahasa itu telah pun diterima sebagai bahasa rasmi negara dan membuktikan keupayaannya, termasuk penggunaan di parlimen.
'Bahasa-bahasa lain masih boleh diajar sebagai bahasa kedua seperti dilakukan di Singapura,' katanya.
Mengulas kenyataan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, bahawa beliau hanya akan mengubah kepada satu aliran sekolah jika dikehendaki rakyat, Tan Sri Zainuddin berkata ia adalah satu kenyataan yang longgar berasaskan kepentingan politik semasa.
'Kenyataan itu tidak menepati hakikat kehendak rakyat yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan masa depan bangsa dan negara.
'Saya memahami kedudukan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak begitu mantap sekarang ini, yang tidak memberikan kekuatan kepada kerajaan untuk bercakap secara tegas dan berani sekalipun menyedari hakikat bahawa hanya dengan satu aliran sekolah sahaja dapat melahirkan 1Malaysia,' jelasnya.
Menurut beliau, hakikatnya perlu disedari bahawa setelah 50 tahun merdeka, negara berada dalam keadaan yang berkecamuk tanpa menampakkan penghayatan terhadap inspirasi nasional akibat wujudnya sekolah aliran pelbagai bahasa.
'Jika satu pendekatan yang berani tidak diambil dari sekarang, maka 50 tahun lagi seorang Perdana Menteri baru akan bercakap perkara yang sama untuk menyatukan bangsa dan negara menerusi sekolah satu aliran.
'Penggunaan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengantar dengan menjadikan pelajaran bahasa-bahasa lain sebagai wajib untuk bahasa kedua tidak seharusnya menimbulkan sebarang kebimbangan.
'Adalah suatu hal yang agak mendukacitakan apabila media kelihatan seolah-olah menjalankan usaha untuk mempromosikan sekolah aliran satu bahasa bagi mendapatkan reaksi rakyat sedangkan Singapura telah menyelesaikan masalah ini bertahun lalu,' jelas beliau. -- Utusan Malaysia.
KUALA LUMPUR: Mantan Menteri Penerangan Malaysia, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, berkata Malaysia hendaklah mempunyai keazaman politik untuk mencontohi Singapura bagi merealisasikan sekolah satu aliran.
Menurut beliau, tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa republik itu berjaya melahirkan satu bangsa yang tidak lagi bersuara dan bertindak atas sentimen perkauman sekalipun terdiri daripada berbilang kaum hasil kejayaan cemerlang dasar pelajarannya.
'Jika Singapura menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai jalan keluar ketika menghadapi krisis kebangkitan fahaman perkauman dan komunisme China di awal tahun 1960-an, bahasa Malaysia yang telah diterima semua kaum boleh memainkan peranan yang sama sekalipun sudah terlewat.
'Harus diingat Perdana Menteri Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew, dengan berani menunjukkan political will (keazaman politik) untuk menutup sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan menutup Nanyang University dan Ngee Ann College demi melahirkan satu bangsa Singapura sekalipun beliau menghadapi tentangan yang cukup hebat daripada golongan komunis serta cauvinis Cina dan Melayu,' katanya di sini kelmarin.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas saranan ahli-ahli parlimen yang meminta kerajaan menyusun semula sistem pendidikan negara, termasuk melaksanakan sekolah satu aliran, bagi memastikan perpaduan antara kaum dicapai.
Menurut Tan Sri Zainuddin lagi, kejayaan Singapura dapat dilihat dan dirasakan sekarang oleh mereka yang mahu melihat negara itu secara rasional apabila rakyatnya tidak lagi bercakap dan bertindak mengikut naluri dan sifat-sifat perkauman.
Beliau berkata penggunaan bahasa Malaysia untuk satu aliran sekolah tidak seharusnya dianggap sebagai perkauman kerana bahasa itu telah pun diterima sebagai bahasa rasmi negara dan membuktikan keupayaannya, termasuk penggunaan di parlimen.
'Bahasa-bahasa lain masih boleh diajar sebagai bahasa kedua seperti dilakukan di Singapura,' katanya.
Mengulas kenyataan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, bahawa beliau hanya akan mengubah kepada satu aliran sekolah jika dikehendaki rakyat, Tan Sri Zainuddin berkata ia adalah satu kenyataan yang longgar berasaskan kepentingan politik semasa.
'Kenyataan itu tidak menepati hakikat kehendak rakyat yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan masa depan bangsa dan negara.
'Saya memahami kedudukan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak begitu mantap sekarang ini, yang tidak memberikan kekuatan kepada kerajaan untuk bercakap secara tegas dan berani sekalipun menyedari hakikat bahawa hanya dengan satu aliran sekolah sahaja dapat melahirkan 1Malaysia,' jelasnya.
Menurut beliau, hakikatnya perlu disedari bahawa setelah 50 tahun merdeka, negara berada dalam keadaan yang berkecamuk tanpa menampakkan penghayatan terhadap inspirasi nasional akibat wujudnya sekolah aliran pelbagai bahasa.
'Jika satu pendekatan yang berani tidak diambil dari sekarang, maka 50 tahun lagi seorang Perdana Menteri baru akan bercakap perkara yang sama untuk menyatukan bangsa dan negara menerusi sekolah satu aliran.
'Penggunaan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengantar dengan menjadikan pelajaran bahasa-bahasa lain sebagai wajib untuk bahasa kedua tidak seharusnya menimbulkan sebarang kebimbangan.
'Adalah suatu hal yang agak mendukacitakan apabila media kelihatan seolah-olah menjalankan usaha untuk mempromosikan sekolah aliran satu bahasa bagi mendapatkan reaksi rakyat sedangkan Singapura telah menyelesaikan masalah ini bertahun lalu,' jelas beliau. -- Utusan Malaysia.
Yasmin Ahmad 'was a Zulkifli Ahmad'

KUALA LUMPUR - ONLY days after her death, Malaysia is abuzz with talk that film-maker Yasmin Ahmad (with husband Abdullah Tan Yew Leong) used to be a man.
According to a tabloid report, Yasmin, 51, was once a male singer, Zulkifli Ahmad, and the first runner-up of the Bintang RTM 1975 singing contest. He apparently cut two albums and went on to pursue his studies in Britain.
The Kosmo! newspaper ran a front-page story on Monday with the headline 'Yasmin's fate: Dies as a woman, fans of all races weep for her'. The page two story had the headline 'From soccer striker to renowned director' and pictures of Zulkifli.
The paper interviewed two former classmates, Mr Rosmanizam Abdullah and Mr Abdul Rahman, who are certain that Yasmin was Zulkifli. 'I will always remember her as Zulkifli Ahmad, a great striker in soccer who represented the state,' Kosmo! quoted Mr Rosmanizam, who is still active in sports associations.
Several bloggers are upset by the reports.
Prominent blogger Marina Mahathir, daughter of former prime minister Mahathir Mohammad, wrote on her website: 'Unfortunately there are some truly low creatures at that despicable rag called Kosmo who are determined to defame her and her legacy.
The family is devastated. Yasmin has hardly been buried and Kosmo has already started to publish all sorts of trash about her.' She called for a boycott of the paper.
Yasmin died last Saturday, two days after suffering a stroke. She left behind her husband Abdullah, 45, a 14-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, and parents, Inom Yon and Ahmad Hashim. Her family has not commented on the reports.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Catat jangkitan HIV tertinggi
KOTA BHARU 26 Okt. - Biarpun kerajaan Pas Kelantan sering mendabik dada dengan mendakwa mereka adalah contoh terbaik untuk mendidik rakyat tetapi realitinya berbeza.
Masalah sosial di kalangan rakyat di negeri ini tidak jauh berbeza dengan negeri-negeri lain, malah pada tahun lepas ia mencatatkan kes jangkitan HIV yang tertinggi dengan 749 kes baru berbanding tahun sebelumnya.
Hakikat ini diakui oleh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Wan Ubaidah Omar ketika menjawab soalan lisan, Zulkifli Mamat (Pas-Pulai Chondong) pada sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini hari ini.
Paling membimbangkan, katanya, peningkatan golongan belia yang dijangkiti virus tersebut terutama melalui hubungan seks rambang.
''Statistik menunjukkan jangkitan baru melibatkan usia 20 sehingga 29 tahun adalah 25 peratus manakala 30 sehingga 39 tahun sebanyak 42 peratus.
''Cara jangkitan juga menunjukkan trend yang berbeza, jika pada tahun 2003 seramai 70 peratus yang dijangkiti HIV adalah melalui suntikan, pada tahun lepas cara tersebut turun kepada 53 peratus.
''Apa yang membimbangkan ialah jangkitan secara seks rambang yang meningkat dari 19 peratus kepada 27 peratus pada tahun lepas," katanya.
Wan Ubaidah berkata, kebanyakkan jangkitan baru ini terpaksa ditanggung oleh wanita di mana pada tahun lepas ia menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 19 peratus.
Mendengarkan penjelasan tersebut, Zulkifli kemudian bangun mengemukakan soalan tambahan yang menyatakan kerajaan tidak serius dan tidak ada program dibuat secara besar-besaran melibatkan orang ramai terutama pemimpin tertinggi untuk mencegah HIV di negeri ini.
Wan Ubaidah berkata, kerajaan negeri amat serius dalam mencegah penularan HIV dan pada masa kini dalam proses untuk mewujudkan jawatankuasa kesedaran penyakit tersebut yang turut melibatkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).
''Kita telah menjalankan pelbagai usaha dalam membanteras HIV sebagai contoh kita adalah negeri terawal selepas Johor yang mewajibkan ujian saringan ke atas bakal pengantin.
''Kerajaan negeri juga sedang berusaha meningkatkan kesedaran dan pada ketika ini ia dilakukan bersama dengan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri dan penceramah," katanya.
Masalah sosial di kalangan rakyat di negeri ini tidak jauh berbeza dengan negeri-negeri lain, malah pada tahun lepas ia mencatatkan kes jangkitan HIV yang tertinggi dengan 749 kes baru berbanding tahun sebelumnya.
Hakikat ini diakui oleh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Wan Ubaidah Omar ketika menjawab soalan lisan, Zulkifli Mamat (Pas-Pulai Chondong) pada sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini hari ini.
Paling membimbangkan, katanya, peningkatan golongan belia yang dijangkiti virus tersebut terutama melalui hubungan seks rambang.
''Statistik menunjukkan jangkitan baru melibatkan usia 20 sehingga 29 tahun adalah 25 peratus manakala 30 sehingga 39 tahun sebanyak 42 peratus.
''Cara jangkitan juga menunjukkan trend yang berbeza, jika pada tahun 2003 seramai 70 peratus yang dijangkiti HIV adalah melalui suntikan, pada tahun lepas cara tersebut turun kepada 53 peratus.
''Apa yang membimbangkan ialah jangkitan secara seks rambang yang meningkat dari 19 peratus kepada 27 peratus pada tahun lepas," katanya.
Wan Ubaidah berkata, kebanyakkan jangkitan baru ini terpaksa ditanggung oleh wanita di mana pada tahun lepas ia menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 19 peratus.
Mendengarkan penjelasan tersebut, Zulkifli kemudian bangun mengemukakan soalan tambahan yang menyatakan kerajaan tidak serius dan tidak ada program dibuat secara besar-besaran melibatkan orang ramai terutama pemimpin tertinggi untuk mencegah HIV di negeri ini.
Wan Ubaidah berkata, kerajaan negeri amat serius dalam mencegah penularan HIV dan pada masa kini dalam proses untuk mewujudkan jawatankuasa kesedaran penyakit tersebut yang turut melibatkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).
''Kita telah menjalankan pelbagai usaha dalam membanteras HIV sebagai contoh kita adalah negeri terawal selepas Johor yang mewajibkan ujian saringan ke atas bakal pengantin.
''Kerajaan negeri juga sedang berusaha meningkatkan kesedaran dan pada ketika ini ia dilakukan bersama dengan Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri dan penceramah," katanya.
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